Baldness is a popular problem that affects men regardless of age. It is estimated that up to 40% of Poles may suffer from hair loss. Moreover, in some cases, the effect of baldness may appearduring puberty! Excessive baldness can lead to poor self-esteem and is often a significant problem in the everyday life of many men. For this reason, a common question is whether there is an effective cure for baldness? How to stop hair loss? How to strengthen hair follicles? Learn about the specific effects of Finasteride, which is used as a treatment for baldness!

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What is Finasteride and what is it for?

The solution to the problem of baldness among many men is Finasteride, a synthetic compound whose task is to transform testosterone into a more active form, i.e. stanolone. Finasteride has a proven therapeutic effect in the treatment of benign hyperplasia of the prostate, and is also a popular form of treatment for baldness in men. According to clinical studies, Finasteride is well tolerated by the human body and does not cause excessive side effects. Currently, finasteride is used to treat the symptoms of alopecia in order to stop hair loss. In more than half of patients, the use of the drug may strengthen the hair follicles, which will ultimately enable the growth of new hair. Effective finasteride therapy can provide visible results even in a short period of use.
Another equally common use of finasteride is to treat symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland (prostate). Finasteride prevents problems with urinary retention, improves its flow and improves the patient’s quality of life. Using finasteride at the appropriate (high) dosage can prevent the need for major surgery, reducing the risk of prostate problems worsening. Numerous scientific studies on the effects of finasteride and its impact on the human body have shown that it is a completely safe drug that has a clear, positive effect on the patient’s health.

How does Finasteride work?

People who struggle with baldness are certainly interested in how the drug works. Finasteride is a synthetic compound that acts as an inhibitor of the enzyme 5-a-reductase. For people who have no knowledge of medicine, this definition may sound extremely enigmatic. In practice, finasteride is an organic chemical compound that is responsible for converting testosterone into stanolone (DHT), a more active form of testosterone. As a result, finasteride is responsible for reducing the concentration of stanolone in the patient’s blood, urine and prostate gland. In this case, preventing the effect of baldness is the result of reducing DHT in the scalp. This fact reduces the miniaturization of hair follicles.

hair loss
In short, it can be explained that the use of finasteride reduces the level of stanolone in the patient’s scalp. A positive effect of this process is stopping hair loss, which leads to stopping baldness. Moreover, a significant proportion of men also experience additional effects in the form of new hair growth, especially in the area of ​​the top of the head. Strengthening hair follicles is possible regardless of the type of baldness and is an effective treatment method for both common and hereditary alopecia.

Correct dosage of Finasteride

Finasteride is used orally, by taking coated tablets like Finasterix. The detailed dosage depends strictly on the disease symptoms exhibited by the patient. Both the period of taking the drug and the daily dose should be determined by a specialist doctor who will prescribe the drug after performing appropriate tests and making a diagnosis. In most cases, the doctor prescribes the drug in an amount of 1 to 5 milligrams per day. Much depends on the reasons why the patient is advised to take finesteride.
After starting treatment with finasteride and throughout the entire period of taking the drug, the effects and possible side effects of the substance should be carefully monitored. Any abnormalities should be discussed with your doctor immediately. It is also worth emphasizing that finasteride should not be used by women and children, as well as people who show signs of hypersensitivity to this substance.

Learn about the positive effects of using Finasterix

First of all, the use of finasteride limits hair loss, which in turn prevents excessive baldness. It is estimated that in more than half of people who take finasteride, the drug causes new hair growth. This happens as a result of the strengthening of hair follicles, which are necessary for the proper growth of hair on the head. Its effect has been confirmed both in the case of androgenic alopecia and in other causes of the problem, including when a man suffers from hereditary alopecia. As a result, the patient may experience visible effects of taking the drug in a short period of time. For many men, the most pronounced effects of finasteride are visible on the top of the head. Statistics show that the first visible results are felt after just three months of using the drug. Most likely, at the beginning of finasteride treatment, the greatest growth of new hair is observed, while in the longer term, patients only notice the effect of stopping hair loss.
In addition, finasteride is a chemical compound that supports the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia. The drug significantly reduces the symptoms associated with prostate enlargement and also has a positive effect on urine outflow, which ultimately improves the patient’s quality of life. Finasteride also reduces the risk of acute urinary retention problems and is also used to control benign prostatic hyperplasia. In the case of treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, a much higher dosage (up to 5 times higher) is used than in the case of stopping hair loss. Taking finasteride may prevent the need for surgery to treat the prostate.
It should be emphasized that taking finasteride has positive effects only in men. Finasteride is not recommended for use by women and children.

prostate health and hair loss reducing

Does using Finasteride have any side effects?

The most popular side effects include decreased libido, temporary impotence, ejaculation disorders, nipple tenderness and body rash (including acne). As a consequence, a patient who uses Finasteride may suffer from frequent mood changes, which may even lead to depression, while erectile dysfunction and ejaculation problems lead to temporary fertility problems. According to research and statistics, side effects occur in only a few percent of people taking drugs with Finasteride, which makes the substance completely safe and its use should not bring any lasting, undesirable effects. If any disturbing symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor – a specialist who prescribed the drug.