Boldenone Undecylenate

In the 1960s the steroid Boldenone Undecylenate was introduced for medical purposes. It is androgenic and anabolic. Today, it is widely used by athletes and bodybuilders. It can help to create the physique the users seeks and it can help to provide both energy and endurance to be able to tackle workouts.
You may here this steroid referred to by a few others names, but they are one and the same. These names include Equipoise and Parenabol. It has often been used by veterinarians for larger animals such as horses.
How does it Work?
Boldenone Undecylenate works quickly and it is very powerful. A user don’t need a large dose of it to see and feel results. This substance retains nitrogen, allowing the muscle mass to develop in far less time. It also allows that muscle to be hard and defined, not soft and mushy. The process allows the protein to synthesis in less time. This means your body is healing, and that is when the muscle growth will occur.
In a bulking cycle, it can be hard to double or triple your calories each day. Eating so much is difficult for someone that doesn’t have a huge appetite. The use of Boldenone Undecylenate will cause you to be hungry, and you aren’t going to have any trouble getting all of those meals and extra protein consumed. Make sure you carefully plan your meals for each day so you get the fuel you need to work out so hard.
The makeup of this steroid means it isn’t going to create a great deal of estrogen in the body. This is very important as that estrogen can cause males to struggle with retaining water. It can also result in Gynecomastia, which is the development of male breast tissue. Not only is this painful, but it can require surgery to remove the fluid in the breasts if the person continues to use steroids that do create a great deal of estrogen in the body.
The gains will be fast at first with Boldenone Undecylenate, allowing you to stay motivated and to have the extra strength. Throughout the cycle, you will still make gains, but they aren’t going to be as dramatic as they were early on. Don’t let this discourage you, and don’t be tempted to increase the dose. That won’t get you any additional benefits.
Many uses
In addition to being a valuable asset during bulking cycles, Boldenone Undecylenate is also a good product to use for cutting. It is tough to reduce the calories so much, and you may feel hungry often. Consuming large amounts of water will help to offset it. During a cutting cycle, the muscle mass can start to diminish. This steroid though can prevent it from happening. It will also reduce the risk of retaining water.
In a cutting cycle, it can prove to be very challenging to eliminate the remaining body fat. The less you have, the harder you must work to continue to see a difference. The use of this steroid can help compensate for lower energy levels during the cycle. Plus, it adds a booster to reduce body fat that you can’t get with just diet and a workout.
Boldenone Undecylenate is extremely popular with bodybuilders and athletes from all walks of life. This includes those brand new to using steroids. They have done their homework, and they have discovered this is one that can work well for them in a short amount of time. It is also easy to get, even though you have to purchase it on the black market. The cost of steroids often influences decisions, and this one is far less expensive than many others available.
It is a tried and true option for those that go through workouts all the time. They know to end the cycle after about 6 to 8 weeks, and take a break. Yet they can dive right back in there to start it up again and continue to work hard. Many athletes strive for more strength and endurance during the offseason. They may not be taking part in their specific sports for practice or games, but they are always training and working to get an edge on their competitors.
Always use a clean, sterile needle each time Boldenone Undecylenate is injected. Rotate the injection location so you don’t have one area that is always sore and bruised due to the process. The injections should be done once per week, and for the best results, at the same time each week. This helps to regulate the amount of the substance in the body. You will get more value from it this way than if you allow it to spike and dip.
The recommended dose for men is 200 mg to 600 mg per week. For those new to steroids it is best to start at the lower end of it. The amount can be increased each week by 100 mg until you are at the maximum should you feel you need that much. The goal is to find the amount your body needs to for excellent results. However, by keeping it lower, you also reduce the risk of side effects. A lower dose for the duration of the cycle also reduces the overall cost.
Women can use Boldenone Undecylenate, but should do so very carefully. The dose should be significantly less for females. The recommended dose is 50 mg per week and shouldn’t exceed 100 mg per week. The same process of increasing it over time to that maximum if needed should be followed for females.
Boldenone Undecylenate is often stacked with other types of steroids for the ultimate boost during workouts. Make sure you are well aware of what it should be stacked with to get your goals met. Make sure you pay attention to the recommended dosage of each and to the cycle length for them. You may need to introduce other steroids later on in a cycle. However, Boldenone Undecylenate should always be introduced at the start of a cycle for the maximum benefits.
This steroid can be found in the body up to 5 months after the cycle has ended. Make sure you plan accordingly if you have events coming up where a drug test would be a problem. You don’t want all of your hard work to be for nothing because you get disqualified as the result of a positive drug test.
Possible Side Effects
Women need to be careful using Boldenone Undecylenate as it can create some unwanted side effects for them. This is because of the difference with the chemical makeup between the female body and the male body. These side effects can include unwanted body hair, an enlarged clitoris, and depending of the voice. If the use of steroids continues, such side effects can become permanent.
The common side effects associated with it include:
Oily skin
Hair loss
Individuals need to cut back the dose or stop taking it if they experience aggressive behaviors or quickly become agitated. Stop taking it if you experience a rash, difficulty breathing, or insomnia that can linger for days at a time. Increased libido can result from the use of Boldenone Undecylenate, but report to your doctor if you have an erect that is painful or lasts more than four hours.
Nandrolone Decanoate

You may hear the steroid Decanoate called Nandrolone or Deca Durabolin. No matter what someone chooses to call it, this is a very popular steroid. It is both androgenic and anabolic. In the world of medicine, it is sometimes used to treat anemia. It can also help to slow down the progression of wasting disease. Sometimes, women who have gone through menopause are given this substance to control Osteoporosis.
There are some experimental efforts in place to offer it for those with various mental health disorders. This includes schizophrenia. It can help to make someone focus, think clearly, and reduce anxiety. No matter what the reason is that someone uses it, these mental benefits can be every bit as encouraging as the physical ones.
The most common uses for Decanoate have to do with bodybuilding and athletics. Getting a body that is strong, defined, low body fat, and powerful doesn’t happen overnight. It is the result of a serious diet plan and full dedication in the gym daily. It is the result of efforts to increase strength and overall endurance. Enough energy to complete such workouts doesn’t come naturally either.
The use of such steroids can help someone get the additional drive they need. It can help them both physically and mentally to be prepared. Decanoate works very fast, and that allows someone to have more strength and endurance early on. They will also see the boost in their energy so they can push hard. Being able to wake up the next day and do it again is hard, and this substance can make it easier to keep that commitment.
How does it Work?
The use of Decanoate allows the body to have more energy. It also allows it to retain more nitrogen. The nitrogen promotes muscle growth and it extends the fibers in the muscles. This allows them to have more room to grow, for substantial development. In an 8 week cycle, the user can expect from 10 to 20 pounds of additional lean muscle mass.
At the same time, this substance promotes healing. The workouts are intense, and the body needs time to rest. It is actually during the resting period, not the workouts, when the muscles will grow and get stronger. Being able to recover in less time reduces the risk of injuries. It also reduces the risk of fatigue that prevents someone from being motivated to workout.
Decanoate is going to stimulate the appetite, and that is very important during a bulking cycle. The individual may need to consume up to 6,000 calories every single day to keep up with the workouts. They must provide enough fuel for their body to continue driving forward at such a speed. Being able to eat that much means you have to have an appetite and strict diet plan.
Many athletes find they have more stamina shortly after they add Decanoate to their routine. This can help them have an edge over their competitors. It can help them push harder and run faster. When they are trying to improve times or they need to outperform someone else, such differences can play a role in the outcome. Most users find they notice a difference in the first two weeks of using this substance. That encourages them to continue to use it for the duration of the bulking cycle.
Those taking Decanoate find it is very good on their joints and bones. This matters because the intensity of the workouts can be very harsh. It can make the muscles, joints, and bones hurt. This can also increase the risk of injuries. The use of this substance actually makes the joints and bones stronger. It will allow you to see results without dealing with the pain in order to see those gains.
Decanoate is given by injection, and should be administered according to medical guidelines. It depends on the health issue and how severe it is. The goal will be for the doctor to find the lowest dose to give you the ultimate benefits. The injections may need to be done weekly or once a month depending on the situation.
For those using Decanoate for bodybuilding or athletics, the injections should take place weekly. The cycle shouldn’t be for more than 8 weeks. Then at least 6 weeks off of the substance are recommended. If you use it for longer than 8 weeks, it isn’t going to offer you any additional gains. The body is going to build up a resistance to it.
Taking this substance in larger quantities isn't going to help you see more results either. You can’t be greedy with what you are trying to gain from it. Instead, you need to stick to the guidelines so you don’t increase the risk of possible side effects developing. The injection site needs to be rotated each time to prevent one area from getting to sore from the injections. A clean, sterile needle needs to be used each time.
This substance can be traced in the system for about 3 weeks after it is no longer being used. For those that will be subjected to drug testing, it is important to plan the cycle of use to where it ends early enough. This will reduce the risk of the Decanoate showing up in the drug testing. You don’t want to be questioned or get disqualified.
Be very careful about your purchase of Decanoate on the black market. It isn’t all the same, and you need a quality product. You need something that you can rely on to help your each your goals. Due to the high demand for this anabolic steroid, there are plenty of imitators out there. They are giving you a less than quality product, and you may not be fully aware of what you are putting into your system.
For the best results, the lowest possible dose should be used for athletics and bodybuilding. Start out with 200 mg per week. That can be increased by 100 mg per week if you feel you need it. The weekly dose shouldn’t exceed 600 mg though. Try to find a dose that works best for you, and keeping it lower is going to reduce potential side effects.
This is a very powerful steroid, and it isn’t recommended to dive right in at the maximum dose. That may prove to be too difficult for your body to adjust to all at once. Give it time to accept the substance you are adding to your body. Should you stack Decanoate with other steroids, that may result in changing the dose as well. Do your homework to identify the best stack for your intended results.
Possible Side Effects
There are several possible side effects someone can experience while using Decanoate. Such issues tend to subside after a few weeks. It just takes time for the body to get used to this substance in the system. Such side effects can include:
Hair loss
Should you experience any serious side effects due to the use of Decanoate, reduce the dose or stop taking it. If you are under medical care, make sure you notify your doctor immediately. Such serious side effects include:
Shortness of Breath
Difficulty urinating
Mood changes
Difficulty breathing

Even though Drostanolone was never marketed for legal use, it tends to be a steroid people rave about. It can only be purchased on the black market, and it isn’t hard to get your hands on this androgenic and anabolic substance. However, buying a good quality product isn’t always what consumers end up with. Be diligent in your efforts to obtain it so you aren’t wasting your money on something subpar.
The one medical use for Drostanolone ended some time ago, for the breast cancer treatment in women. Today, there are better treatments to be used so this one is no longer an option. The use of it by women isn’t recommended as it can create some serious side effects. Such issues can be permanent too if they continue to take it. Such issues include a deeper voice, unwanted body hair, and an enlarged clitoris. There are better steroids out there for women to consider if they want assistance without the risks.
You may here Drostanolone referenced by a variety of differnet names. They include Masteril and Masteron. Such information can help you to conduct proper research before you decide to use and purchase this steroid. It is one that packs a punch and it can be used both for bulking and for cutting cycles.
While this steroid was first introduced in 1957, it continues to be one of the top used out there today. This is because of the great benefits offered, the low risk of side effects, and the cost. It tends to be reasonably priced, and often less than other steroids that are harder to get. Anyone using this type of injectable needs to make sure they take precautions and always use a clean needle for the process.
Common Uses
The most common uses for Drostanolone tend to be by bodybuilders and athletes. They are working hard with diet and exercise plans to reach their goals. The addition of this steroid can help them to achieve their goals in less time. It also gives the mind and body what it needs to be able to work so hard.
Drostanolone is going to give someone more energy and endurance. At the same time, it revs up metabolism so they can burn fat. The additional strength means within a few weeks they can go from lifting what they currently are to a significant amount more. They will also be able to do more reps with it. All of this adds up to getting substantial value from every single workout.
Being able to see the changes in physique give the mind the point of view that they should continue that process. With the use of Drostanolone, they will heal in less time. They aren’t going to be held back from workouts because the body is just too tired to do so day after day. Being able to push beyond normal limits is something you have to do when you want to see such results.
Benefits you see and Feel
In a bulking cycle, most users of Drostanolone discover they notice more energy and strength after only one or two injections. This is very encouraging as they can already see progress in what they were able to do in regard to performance. At the same time, they can see their body changing, and the lean muscle mass replacing the body fat. They will love how they look in the mirror and not feel intimidated at the gym by others.
With the use of Drostanolone for a cycle of 8 to 10 weeks, they can gain from 10 to 20 pounds of nothing but lean muscle tissue! This is a tremendous about of change and one that allows them to continue to work towards their goals. Athletes find the use of this steroid lowers their risk of injures as it makes the bones and joints stronger and healthier. This is why they also don’t feel so sore after the workout sessions.
Where does Drostanolone come into the picture for a cutting cycle? Drastically reducing calorie intake after doubling or tripling it for a bulking cycle. This can result in a great deal of fatigue. With the presence of this steroid in the body though, the fatigue is barely going to be noticeable. The person will still be able to tackle what they need to and engage in staying fit.
The biggest benefit though during a cutting cycle is allowing the person to keep that hard definition they worked so hard to create. During the cutting cycle, there is the risk of the muscles getting soft and mushy. Keeping a hard and distinguished physique is something they are striving for. The presence of Drostanolone is a great way to make sure there aren’t losses after working so much to get those gains.
Since Drostanolone doesn’t create estrogen in the body, men don’t have to worry about gynecomastia or retaining water. These can be serious side effects to contend with, and some other steroids can lead to them. This is something to be aware of should you decide to stack with other types of steroids.
Dosing Information
The injections of Drostanolone can be inserted directly in to the muscles. The best locations on the body include the shoulders, triceps, and buttocks. The injection site can become very red and sore. It is a good idea to rotate so you have six locations you use before you repeat any one of them again.
The typical weekly dose of it is 350 mg. However, it is wise to start out with only 200 mg to see how your body responds to it. If you do well, you can increase the following week. Make sure your weekly dosing doesn’t exceed 600 mg. Doing so isn’t going to offer you any additional benefits, but it can create harsh side effects. The cycle shouldn’t last more than 8 to 10 weeks.
Possible Side Effects
One of huge selling points with Drostanolone stems from the fact that it isn’t going to harm the liver. There are quite a few other steroids out there known to create problems for the liver by elevating the enzymes. There is no reason to go that route and take the risk if a person has a better alternative. Individuals with a history of high blood pressure or heart disease shouldn’t use this steroid. Doing so can make those health issues worse and cause a heart attack or stroke to occur.
There are some common side effects that can occur while using Drostanolone. They tend to disappear after a few weeks. This can include:
Hair loss
Stop using it or reduce the dose if you experience any severe side effects. They may include:
Aggressive behaviors
Difficulty Breathing
Trouble urinating
Severe itching
The use of this steroid is going to suppress the natural production of testosterone. It is important to stack with something that will offset this issue. You should also plan on post cycle therapy in order to help stimulate your body so it will create testosterone naturally again in less time. Do your homework so you know what substances help you to get the best outcome when you complete a cycle with Drostanolone.
Drostanolone Propionate

Masteron is the most popular name for the steroid Drostanolone Propionate. It is both anabolic and androgenic, and very popular. It was once used by medical experts to aggressively treat breast cancer in women. That is no longer done becaue there are better medications to treat it with fewer side effects for the female body.
This doesn’t mean there isn’t still a high demand for Drostanolone Propionate though. It is typically purchased on the black market. This is for athletes and bodybuilders so they can gain muscle mass, burn fat, have more endurance, get stronger, and have more energy. They know they have their work cut out for them with diet and exercise plans. However, adding this substance can make it possible and they can see results in less time.
In order to fully benefit from Drostanolone Propionate, it is important to carefully examine the possible providers of it. The product has to be top quality so that it is going to deliver the results it was created for. So many of the products sold out there are placebos, and they don’t offer any real value at all. Others are poorly made, so they offer some benefit but not to the extent that it should.
This product can be far more expensive than some of the other steroid choices on the market. However, this is due to the demand for it versus the supply. For those that want to see significant results in a short window of time, the cost isn’t an issue for them. Not when they know what they will be able to look like and accomplish in 8 weeks time!
Many users of Drostanolone Propionate enjoy the fact that it won’t raise liver enzymes. Too many of the anabolic steroids out there are potentially harmful to the liver. Being able to use this one and not have to worry about that can give someone peace of mind. It also doesn’t turn into estrogen, and that is very encouraging. When steroids cause estrogen production, the user can retain water.
This is very dangerous for overall health and blood circulation. The other issue for males is the development of breast tissue due to the estrogen. Not only is it painful, but it may require surgery to remove it. This breast tissue is almost impossible to hide, and that can mean no more taking part in bodybuilding competitions. For others, it can cause them to feel self-conscious when they take their shirt off. Since Drostanolone Propionate doesn’t cause Gynecomastia, it is an issue they won’t have to contend with.
The ability to improve physical appearance, speed, and strength are the core reasons so many do turn to this steroid. They want to gain those benefits and get a boost to what they are doing with diet and exercise. They need the additional energy to be able to continue with this type of process day after day. Plus, the use of this substance helps to rev up metabolism.
Replace Body Fat with Lean Muscle Mass
Eliminating body fat is hard work, it doesn’t just fall off. Eating the right foods, eating the right amount of food, and the right exercises can all play a role in it. However, as a person ends up with less and less body fat, it takes more and more work to get the rest to come off. Those that are under 10% body fat may find they hit a plateau. The use of Drostanolone Propionate though can help them to get over that hump and press on. They can further reduce their body fat with this steroid in their system versus without it.
Doing more than just eliminating body fat though is the ultimate goal for most that use Drostanolone Propionate. They want to pack on lean muscle mass and they want to have increased strength. They want a physique that is hard and looks amazing! By staying focused, by learning the best exercises, and using powerful steroids like this one, they can transform their body in just a few short months!
Due to the benefits from Drostanolone Propionate, it isn’t uncommon for it to be used in cutting cycles too. During this timeframe, the body is taking in far less calories, and that can make a person feel sluggish. The substance is going to help them keep up their energy levels in spite of less fuel for them to rely on from food.
During a cutting cycle, the last thing someone wants to see is their lean muscle mass getting smaller. They also don’t want to see it getting softer. Both of these are common when a person switches from the bulking to the cutting cycle. The presence of Drostanolone Propionate though can help to ensure these negative elements are less likely to take place.
This type of steroid is to be injected, and should always take place with a clean, sterile needle. It is never a good idea to reuse one, even if you are the only person that is using it. Make sure the injection site has been cleaned prior to the injection. Due to the pain and sensitivity of an injection site, try to use a differnet location each time.
The injections should take place very 7 to 10 days. Keep good track of your schedule so you know when the next injection should take place. Since this substance can be identified in the body up to 3 months after the last injection, make sure you stop using it in plenty of time to have a clear test. You may have an upcoming even where you know you will be tested or where there is a good chance of a random drug test being administered.
The injections of Drostanolone Propionate should be from 200 mg to 800 mg each time. The user should take the lowest amount for the maximum amount of benefits to them. This can vary based on body chemistry and what they stack it with. It is wise to start at the lowest dose and then to increase by 50 mg or 100 mg each week until you get to the level where you think you have the maximum benefits from the use of this steroid.
Possible Side Effects
Due to the high risk of harmful side effects, women shouldn’t use Drostanolone Propionate. If they do, they should use it for a very short period of time and at a very low dose. Paying attention to side effects is very important. Some of the ones women may experience include an enlarged clitoris, deepening of the voice, and unwanted body hair. If the user continues to take this steroid, those side effects could become permanent.
For males, the higher the dose and the longer the cycle, the more risk of side effects. They can include:
Dry mouth
Oily skin
Drostanolone Propionate isn’t recommended for anyone with high cholesterol or heart issues. The use of it could make those problems worse and increase the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Anyone experiencing feelings of agitation or aggression during the use of Drostanolone Propionate should reduce the dose or they should stop taking it.