Chad Nichols Offseason

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Chad Nichols Offseason

Post by MONSTRO »

Straight from Chad Nichols to a top Mr Olympia competitor for his offseason

Can you guess who?

- wake up and take 100mcg t4, 25mcg t3, 6iu serostim subq
- 30mins after gh shot, take 10iu humalog IM and eat breakfast (2 cups oats, 2 cups egg whites, 1-2 bananas, avoid fats!)
- 2 hours later, pre workout meal: same as breakfast plus 2 tablespoons of peanut butter to keep carbs in system longer
- 20 mins pre workout take 15iu humulin-r IM
- while working out sip on 150g dextrose, 2 scoops BCAA's and 2 scoops of creatine
- immediately post workout drink 100g whey protein
- 20-30 mins later take 6iu serostim IV
- 20-30 mins after the gh eat a meal high in protein and high in carbs but low in fat (12-16oz chicken breast, 2 sweet potatoes, etc)
- 2 hours later take 10iu humalog IM and eat another meal high in protein and carbs but low in fat
- rest of the meals you can start to eat some red meat, add some fats, etc

3,000mg testosterone any ester
1,200mg deca
1,200mg eq
30 days on/30 days off anadrol 100-150mg
12iu serostim taken in 2 shots as directed
100mcg t4 every morning
25mcg t3 every morning
humulin-r and humalog taken as directed

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Re: Chad Nichols Offseason

Post by Phill »

(unfortunately) I don't think I can live a life like this
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