Dihydroboldenone / DHB 411
1-Testosterone is a dht steriod and a 5-a reduced derivative of boldenone/EQ. A 2006 study determined that 1-testosterone has a high androgenic and anabolic potency even without being metabolized. of 1-testosterone has the same potency to stimulate the growth of the prostate, the seminal vesicles and the androgen-sensitive levator ani muscle as the reference anabolic steroid testosterone propionate, but, unlike testosterone propionate, 1-testosterone also increases liver weight. 1-Testosterone was the first fully active steroid introduced to the dietary supplement market. Boldenone is not the only steroid that shares similarities with dihydroboldenone. In fact dihydroboldenone is chemically identical to the drug methenolone except for the 1-methylation that is apart of methenolone {Primobolan}. 1-Testosterone has an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 200/100. One side effect commonly experienced by 1-testosterone users is lethargy. The exact reason for this lethargy is unknown, but it may be due to the fact that 1-testosterone lacks the energy and libido boosting effects of testosterone yet is still suppressive of natural testosterone production, or because of low estrogen levels. post-injection pain with dihydroboldenone can become an issue for some. Diluting the drug with either another injectable drug or some other type of sterile oil seems to alleviate at least some of this discomfort. The type of ester used does not appear to negate this pain for the users that experience it however. It has been shown to be by far more anabolic than such compounds as boldenone, nandrolone , and even testosterone itself. If used by itself, I would consider it a dry compound. If used along with testosterone it becomes a wet compound. It does not aromatize and the frequency of the compound depend on the ester attached. As we all know 1-test Cypionate is the most popular and only needs to be used in the same fashion as test cyp. The no ester dhb is very unpopular as it is painful and rarely holds well; also injected ED. Typcially, males would use a dosage of 200-400mg Dihydroboldenone Cypionate a week. Negative symptoms as lethargy, malaise and possibly a reduction in sex drive if used solely. Obviously the addition of testosterone will help alleviate those side effects Women use 25-100mg typically, I have never met a female that used it except a few that used the oral form. 1-testosterone cypionate produces a primo-like effect, but is much more myotropic {growth promoting}. Aside from tren, there isnt a single non-methylated, non-aromatizing, prescription steroid as strong as this. 1-Test Cyp has been shown to be by far more anabolic then such compounds as and even Testosterone itself; but we all know that application wise that does not equate into better or bigger gains. I like 500mg test Cyp/400mg 1-test cyp, if i was getting close to a show or was nearing the end of a cut or photoshoot, a person would be able to use higher dhb. very low test , and their orals and get a dry, tight, grainy look. IME , I never worry about gyno, I still have not used enough to know what works for my body best but I notice a huge recomp effect and sweat a lot . There is a misnomer that you Cannot use EQ AND DHB together and it is a waste! This is very untrue and does work well together. I also hear people say, it’s a poor mans Primobolan{because of its close chemical structure}; this is far from true, DHB is much stronger in every way and results are not mild at decent doses. Primo is great and really expensive, but it is the safest compound out there. Btw- The no ester version was only 50mg/ml and hurt like a mofo; also caused inflammation and hard lump, and I still did three injs . This dosage was listed on a EU website and I am showing you so you that you should never follow advice from the company pushing it:{X-steroid Is a good forum so it is okay to het help from rep/sponsor . Websites online that are not a
Part of a forum will try and tell you to use a shit ton / example:
Dosage: 400-1,000 mg per week for 12-16 weeks (or longer)!! Lmao. 1 gram of dhb per
Week, btw: they had 200mg/ml DHB.....that would be very hard to do ..... well very hard to tolerate and that is the reason it was 50mg/ml.
So in summation: DHB/1-test cyp can be used to bulk up, recomp, or cut. It is very versatile and is dose Dependent based on other compounds and your diet. If bulking a higher testosterone and a good androgenic oral such as Anadrol or Dianabol. If recomping : letting the dhb and be the main compound in your stack a along with tbol/Var. If cutting a nice dhb, test prop , winny inj or Win-Var oral would be sweet, I like halo but more but it is potent.
Dihydroboldenone / DHB -INFO ⤵️⤵️
- Posts: 378
- Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:16 am
Re: Dihydroboldenone / DHB -INFO ⤵️⤵️
This is hands down one of my favorite compounds!!
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- Phill
- Posts: 1753
- Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:59 pm
Re: Dihydroboldenone / DHB -INFO ⤵️⤵️
this and stenbolone as well.
not surprisingly I'm using them together right now
- Posts: 1581
- Joined: Thu May 07, 2020 11:42 pm
Re: Dihydroboldenone / DHB -INFO ⤵️⤵️
I need to give it a try but right now on deload and bridge to recover my liver , only test