Offseason is time to grow not to look good on instagram!

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Offseason is time to grow not to look good on instagram!

Post by MONSTRO »

Yes we all know first weeks of any cycle is when you have more weight gain and them they stop ( and people think this first weeks pounds earned are muscle but most of them is glycogen and water. The solid gains came after that , but to keep growing you need to understand you need more food , because if you beggin with 200 pounds eating 4k calories and after 3 weeks you are 215 pounds the 4k you are eating before are not anough now . If you gain weight you need to increase calories to keep growing and probably the gear to . Thats why we always should begin low and slowly increase anything . The bigger you get the mnore food you need , the more gear you need and the more rest you need .

Offseason is time to grow , not to look shreded with abs to put on instagram ( look im shreded on my bulking ) , this guys never improve . Bulking is not time to relax or have fun , its time to get bigger , stronger and improve , so like diet its time to suffer even more than on diet . You need results ??? Do the work . Nothing comes from free .

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