Orals pre workout or split during day?

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Orals pre workout or split during day?

Post by MONSTRO »

When i begin using anabolics i always learn to slip dosages because of active life of the orals , but now even top coaches said to use all the dosage 1 hour pre workout.

Witch is the best option and why?

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Re: Orals pre workout or split during day?

Post by Phill »

There is no best option.
It depends on what you are looking for the most.

split throughout the day, as you said, you have more stable aas levels with less yo-yos.
taken pre-workout you have a high peak and a lot more energy for the workout, but then during the day the levels drop.

I personally do a mixture:
a good preworkout dose and the rest split throughout the day
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Re: Orals pre workout or split during day?

Post by MONSTRO »

Or even better using 2 orals , one pre workout and another split
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Re: Orals pre workout or split during day?

Post by A.font817 »

Depending on what orals I’m running depends on if I split them up or not. Dbol I sometimes will split but go heavier mg preworkout
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Re: Orals pre workout or split during day?

Post by MONSTRO »

I see in this days people using mostly as pre workout
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Re: Orals pre workout or split during day?

Post by MONSTRO »

If you have alot of mg of injectables acting all day you can use the orals as pre workout pump , why not? same as with insulin , we use lantus to cover all day and humalog to pre and post workout .

Make sense?
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