Orals pre-workout

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Orals pre-workout

Post by Totalscience »

I’ve heard a lot of people say it does nothing and a lot of people swear by it.. I’m looking for opinions and protocols from experienced guys.

I guess it could be placebo effect but when I put 100mg EP drol under my tongue pre-workout I feel like a beast and definitely have at least perceived strength increases.. lol please tell me if I’m fooling myself

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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by A.font817 »

Totalscience wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:26 am I’ve heard a lot of people say it does nothing and a lot of people swear by it.. I’m looking for opinions and protocols from experienced guys.

I guess it could be placebo effect but when I put 100mg EP drol under my tongue pre-workout I feel like a beast and definitely have at least perceived strength increases.. lol please tell me if I’m fooling myself
A lot of the old school guys used to crush orals up, place under their tongue, and swish grape fruit juice around in their mouth. There’s a thread in here about how grape fruit juice helps with orals.
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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by Phill »

Totalscience wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:26 am I’ve heard a lot of people say it does nothing and a lot of people swear by it.. I’m looking for opinions and protocols from experienced guys.

I guess it could be placebo effect but when I put 100mg EP drol under my tongue pre-workout I feel like a beast and definitely have at least perceived strength increases.. lol please tell me if I’m fooling myself
if someone told you they don't hear anything from oral like dbol, anadrol, m1t, superdrol, halo ... well, these people have been scammed :lol: :lol:

what are you looking for? what protocol would you like?
goals? which product are you interested in?
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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by Totalscience »

Thanks A.front I’ll add in the grapefruit juice I’m all about synergy..

Phill I just want to know the best orals for pre-workout and optimal amounts to take. I’m 45 on TrT with about 10 cycles under my belt not that this matters but one thing about my experience is I can easily run 650 EP tren e and feel amazing happy with only sides being night sweats and wild dreams on the other hand 400 EP deca and I feel the worst scary anxiety you can imagine..

Im currently on week 2 of Test C at 500, Tren E at 500 and EQ at 750 feeling awesome as usual I’ve always done 75-100mg drol crushed under the tongue on heavy lift days legs, back and chest the whole cycle so about 4 days a week on orals and 3 off. Idk it works for me and my bloods always look good even into the 12th week. I’m just looking for any good advice on taking orals I’ve never taken Halo so I would consider if you think that’s a good pre idk anything to switch it up you tell me your thoughts if you have time..
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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by Rehh »

i think dbol is better than drol as a preworkout
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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by MONSTRO »

My friend yes taking orals with grape fruit juice gives you better absortion and results , i love to use orals pre workout but at same time i try to take them during day to keep blood level off .

I love anadrol because is pump all day and strenght is out of this world but kills my appetite , M1T is the strongest oral and Superdrol is great to. Dianabol gives alot back pumps but increases my appetite .

Halotestin only 2 weeks before pre contest

In my opinion use 2 orals like anadrol 100mg dbol 30mg is top
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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by Jozifp103 »

It likely depends on the half life of the oral. Orals with short half lives like Dbol tend to work best as a pre-workout oral because with a 4-6 hour half life they kick in quickly. Anadrol isn't a bad choice as it's half life is only slightly longer than Dbol (5-9 hours). Overall I'd give Dbol the crown as the best pre-workout oral for the simple reason it kicks in quickly and offers great pumps, strength, and just an overall feel-good steroid. Sure there are drugs like Halotestin which give some of the best strength gains around, but with a 10 hour half life I don't think you're going to feel the effects quickly enough for it to be suitable as a pre-workout aid.

I really think that you need to give orals some time to kick in though...even Dbol. A lot of people will tell you to take your pre-workout oral 30-60 minutes before training. I honestly feel you should give it more like 2-3 hours to really start circulating and hitting your androgen receptors. I usually take my orals around 5am, eat breakfast, post on the forums for a bit, then hit the gym at 7:30ish. I feel I get more of a boost if I give the oral a little more time to saturate.

*Disclaimer - these are all my own theories based on the "moderate" knowledge I have on the subject. These are not facts and I could be completely incorrect.
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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by MONSTRO »

Yes dbol is the best choise not just because is quick action but also you fell good on him , for best results take some dose breakfast with red grape juice and meal before workout again , that way you will have blood level full.
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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by Totalscience »

Awesome advice!!

I’m definitely gonna try the drol dbol cocktail and yes two hours before is definitely optimal that’s been my experience too.
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Re: Orals pre-workout

Post by MrFist »

Dbol and cialis. I never have been that swolen all at one time in my life before! That was the first time my wife asked if I was on roids and all I could do was laugh. My arms and neck got so big during workouts, I couldn’t take my socks off or wash my back in the shower. Best pumps ever and never got cramps. Also I did notice to be in a better mood while running dbol as well
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