IGF1-LR3 protocol

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IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by Phill »

ok guys, I would like to hear from WHO HAS USED IT, protocol to follow (with moderation), but above all diet, macro, carbohydrates and sugars.
Side effects and results and all you can say about it.

As far as I know, the average dosages used for the LR3 are around 50-150mcg per day for a maximum period of 4 weeks given that receptor desensitization occurs approximately in this period of time.
It's not necessary to split the dosage on multiple target muscles as the half-life is long beyond the day and therefore its effect is systematic on the whole body (as opposed to DES)

The thing I would like to understand is whether it is necessary to follow any particular dietary protocol to avoid hypoglycaemia, insulin desensitization, ecc
Is it as dangerous as insulin?

I'm waiting for your reviews.

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Re: IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by X-Steroids »

Very good question Phill -from the knowledge I have all depends for your receptor saturation - for example if you use HGH regular where you have IGF to ( i mean real HGH : ) -adding IGF will depend for HGH dosage which you use and determining what exactly you want to achieve - A lot of bodybuilders put themselves in a prediabetic state when building muscle mass than use IGF- HGH and insulin it is fuck up they test sugar several times a day:) it is very dangerouse this is why most of them working with doctors

For me IGF is a very good shit but must to be use very smart - in dosage around 50-100 mcg per day on 4 weeks i think you dont need a insuline if you dont use HGH but you need to up carbs in the diete because you will feel like a shit and nothing will come of it - and this proces is very aggravating for the pancreas so you have to take care of her
X-Steroids Regards
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Re: IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by anabolichow2 »

Here's my protocol for IGF-1 LR3

7am - 30mcg daily or 50mcg every other day, it honestly doesn't matter at all. But in the morning Ill blast 30mcg of IGF with 2iu of HGH then once I train around 7pm I do 2iu of HGH at the gym before I walk out (Post-workout), and then 25 minutes later I inject some fast-acting insulin and then obviously EAT!
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Re: IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by anabolichow2 »

Just to clarify I only inject SLIN on hard training days, (5iu) postworkout. Like every leg day its a must for me.
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Re: IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by maxmuscle1 »

IGF-1 LR3 protocols used below⤵️
1.This variant of IGF-1 should be taken daily for 7 days in a week. You should dose it at about 20 mcg to 50 mcg. Desensitization occurs at around 40 days or approximately 4 weeks. After administering, adequate protein needs to be ingested for IGF-1 to be effective in building new muscle.

2.In most studies, the maximum active length for research studies IGF-1 LR3 is 50 days on also 20-40 days off. The most common range used during clinical research is typically between 20mcg to 120mcg per day.

3.IGF-1 DES 100mcg per administration / 2 chest muscles = 50mcg per muscle
50mcg per muscle / 2 different locations on each muscle = 25mcg per injection

4.In most studies on IGF-1 Lr3 no adverse side effects were reported with use for 4-8 weeks (per the dosage limits in the above answer) followed by 4 weeks of non-use.

5.IGF-1 LR3 can be taken every day of the week for about four weeks before your body becomes desensitized to the stuff and it loses its effectiveness. A good starting dose is 50mcg per day, but you can gradually increase this to 100mcg a day

6.IGF-1 LR3 doses range from 20mcg up to 120mcg. The initial starting dosage is 20-40 mcg. According to the reports of users, the results of Long R3IGF-1 are seen in a shorter span of time. The course length is usually 4 weeks but you can go up to 50 days off. Ideally it should be injected post workout. Injecting the drug intramuscularly is the best option i.e. injecting 20mcg into one bicep and 20mcg into the other.

7.IGF-1 dosage should be administered either just before the workout or just after the workout. It is up to the user’s preference, as either before or after is perfectly fine (as is pre-workout only, or post-workout only). If administered twice per day, the full daily dosage can be split in half between the two (e.g. 20mcg pre-workout, and 20mcg post-workout for a total of 40mcg per day). On non-training days, it can be administered at any time of the day.

Everyone finds there sweet spot and it takes experimentation
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Re: IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by anabolichow2 »

How to Mix IGF-1

IGF-1 Dosage

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Re: IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by MONSTRO »

In the past i use IGF LR3 and the pump is insane , love it but my i get bloated belly .

Is possible to cause hernia in belly boton?
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Re: IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by TimDawg55 »

Reading I have found many bro's post that it should be taken before or after exercise at 30µg-150µg. And it makes sense.

But what about dosing IGF 1-LR3 with a GHRP & GHRH?

My pennut brain's understanding is that:
GHRP (e.g. GHRP-2) can cause some hyperglycemia and it's best to be eased into.
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF 1-LR3) lowers your blood sugar.

Should these be taken together?
Should one be taken earlier in the day and IGF (later on, before or after exercise)?

I see nothing about combining these peptides. Any lucidity is welcomed.
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Re: IGF1-LR3 protocol

Post by Phill »

TimDawg55 wrote: Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:19 pm Reading I have found many bro's post that it should be taken before or after exercise at 30µg-150µg. And it makes sense.

But what about dosing IGF 1-LR3 with a GHRP & GHRH?

My pennut brain's understanding is that:
GHRP (e.g. GHRP-2) can cause some hyperglycemia and it's best to be eased into.
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF 1-LR3) lowers your blood sugar.

Should these be taken together?
Should one be taken earlier in the day and IGF (later on, before or after exercise)?

I see nothing about combining these peptides. Any lucidity is welcomed.
why not!?
throw in cjc with dac too and you did bingo
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