solutions for joint and ligament pains

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solutions for joint and ligament pains

Post by Nic3guy »

Hi Guys,

Besides the BPC, TB-500 and glucosamine, what do you guys advise that can help with this?

I´m tired of training under pain and i would love to fix my elbows and lower back.

Any tips are welcome.


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Re: solutions for joint and ligament pains

Post by MONSTRO »

First you need to run BPC157 and tb500 from 6 months straight . Then always run deca on your cycles always at least 200mg week , and if you can afort it use 3ius hgh ED . I have the same problems on knee , elbow and back and i only use anti estrogen if needed ( because low AI can dry joints to )
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Re: solutions for joint and ligament pains

Post by Trener21 »

Hello Nic3guy,

Try to keep your Estradiol at highest level of norm or even slighty above it. To know how high it is you must do bloodwork of course.
As MONSTRO said, Nandrolon is great for joint pains so try to add it to your cycle 200-300mg / week. Use long ester Decanoate and use it as long as you doesn't have negative sympthoms like tired all day (you could sleep all day), big lack of motivation. If you feel those sympthomps just get off Nandrolone for 8-12 weeks and after that you are free to start it again.

You must be on Testosterone to be able to use Nandrolon and don't forget to use HCG all the time you are on steroids to protect your testicles getting damaged.

1) use Testosterone Cypionate/Enanthate 300-350mg / week
2) use HCG 250iu e2d or 500iu 2x week
3) use Nandrolone Decanoate around 200-300mg / week
4) after 4-5 weeks do bloodwork: morphology, estradiol, prolactin. If estradiol is more than 2x norm ADD: 100mg Masteron (Drostanolone Enanthate) / week - it should go down a little.
If prolactin is more than 2x norm - buy Cabaser and use 0,5mg every 14 days.
Best regards,
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Re: solutions for joint and ligament pains

Post by MONSTRO »

Im 43 years old and until 38 i never had an injury but now i have all elbows , knee , lower back and so on , its time to train smart , go to machines and stop dedlifts and squats forever ( this will help ) , skull crunches to. Dont go extremely heavy and use more intensity techniques like cluster sets, drops to keep pushing . use deca all year round like many powerlifters just to keep joints safe ( low dosage of 250mg is good to go ) . keep motivated because im in same both and i never give up training hard . This is obstacles to turn you stronger .
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Re: solutions for joint and ligament pains

Post by Macedog24 »

Nic3guy wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 3:18 pm Hi Guys,

Besides the BPC, TB-500 and glucosamine, what do you guys advise that can help with this?

I´m tired of training under pain and i would love to fix my elbows and lower back.

Any tips are welcome.

You can run tb500/bpc combo. Run this for about 6-8weeks. Also, another good product to add would be ostarine(Mk-2866) is very user-friendly and well known for his therapeutic properties and injury prevention associated with tendons ligaments and Bone.
Mk-2866 is very versatile and widely used with amazing results. mk-2866 will speed up healing and shorten your recovery time. You will feel like a new person and be training pain free before you know it. Please let us know what you decide to use and how you recover. But I would definitely give these a try.
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Re: solutions for joint and ligament pains

Post by MONSTRO »

I have used 4 weeks BPC157 and after 4 weeks of TB500 and i recover very well mostly on BPC157 . But probably to see real results i need to use both and more time?

Witch one is the best if people are on budget?
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Re: solutions for joint and ligament pains

Post by Nic3guy »

Thanks guys,

I have used BPC and Tb500 for 6 weeks it helped but did not fix it completely, next try is this solution and some ostarine and i will post the results, i´m with 49 and only miss my twenties for the recovery and less pain, at the moment everything hurts :( . i will not stop training heavy but it´s frustrating to know that you can put more weight on it but if you do the body will remember you in the next days.
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Re: solutions for joint and ligament pains

Post by Kmart0269 »

I'm 47 yr old Army vet with screwed up joints below waist I'm being given Testosterone Cypionate for Replacement therapy so I'm going to take advantage & start my workout but I need some help with knee & hip pain???Thanks
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