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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Reply to HFO3:

Yes I'm fully healed from my 2nd pec tear to the left side. I'm now learning how to train a new way with chest. I'm still pushing for a comeback to stage. Thanks for asking.
Last edited by Marvel3203 on Fri Aug 21, 2020 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Nothing big to report on. Down to a new low at 241 lbs with vascularity returning and getting more visible abs. I'm thinking mid to low 230s before i can start a mass gaining phase with my nutrition. My lifting won't change but adding in a surplus of calories and i should be able to add muscle. Currently using 500 mg of test weekly from PSL. Which is 100 mg of test p and 400 test e split evenly between two injections.

Currently I have changed my training by adding in more volume on my delts. I've decided that since my chest won't be a strong body part moving forward bigger shoulders could help my front and side poses. I've gotten decent delt growth but definitely not where I want them to be at.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Vision »

Marvel3203 wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 5:11 pm Nothing big to report on. Down to a new low at 241 lbs with vascularity returning and getting more visible abs. I'm thinking mid to low 230s before i can start a mass gaining phase with my nutrition. My lifting won't change but adding in a surplus of calories and i should be able to add muscle. Currently using 500 mg of test weekly from PSL. Which is 100 mg of test p and 400 test e split evenly between two injections.

Currently I have changed my training by adding in more volume on my delts. I've decided that since my chest won't be a strong body part moving forward bigger shoulders could help my front and side poses. I've gotten decent delt growth but definitely not where I want them to be at.
That sound like you had some real thinking to do, realizing that maybe you had some lagging body groups, yet knowing that you can capitalize on other areas to help enhance and bring everything into proportion. We're all eager to hear and see how you make out.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Vision wrote: Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:40 am
Marvel3203 wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 5:11 pm Nothing big to report on. Down to a new low at 241 lbs with vascularity returning and getting more visible abs. I'm thinking mid to low 230s before i can start a mass gaining phase with my nutrition. My lifting won't change but adding in a surplus of calories and i should be able to add muscle. Currently using 500 mg of test weekly from PSL. Which is 100 mg of test p and 400 test e split evenly between two injections.

Currently I have changed my training by adding in more volume on my delts. I've decided that since my chest won't be a strong body part moving forward bigger shoulders could help my front and side poses. I've gotten decent delt growth but definitely not where I want them to be at.
That sound like you had some real thinking to do, realizing that maybe you had some lagging body groups, yet knowing that you can capitalize on other areas to help enhance and bring everything into proportion. We're all eager to hear and see how you make out.
Thank you I'm still keeping hope alive to maybe win my pro card as a masters competitor. So i have to keep approaching it as a pro would.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Things have been going well. I'm down to 238 lbs. I think once I get to low 230s or high 220s I'll be ready to transition to a lean bulk. While I do enjoy that all my numbers are going up without plateuing yet and getting more vascular I definitely day dream about bumping up the food and adding muscle.

Then again who doesn't love adding muscle. Currently I'm using 500 mg of test e weekly from PSL. I imagine I'll stay with this dosing for the next couple weeks till I hit my desired weight. Then I've decided once I switch to mass gaining I'll add in just 1 ml of EQ weekly and add some carbs to all lifting days. I'm going to keep things fluid right now. I think this is the best way to handle the current situation where gyms or normal way of life can change any moment due to covid. Lastly I'm training 4 days a week (push, pull, legs, pull) and doing 5 morning cardio sessions of 35 minutes each.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Everything has been progressing well. My weight hovers between 238 and 240 but I have visible abs and hamstring detail. I've decided to take 2 more weeks of cutting then transition into a lean bulk. My first 2 moves aren't major but should be a nice transition. I'm going to drop 1 of my after workout cardio sessions leaving on 2 HIIT sessions after lifting. Second I'm going to add 1 ml per week of EQ to the mix. Morning cardio and nutrition will stay the same. I'll wait 2 weeks at least then decide what the next change should be. Currently still running 500 mg weekly of PSL testosterone E.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

I'm very excited for the close of this week. I'm ending my cut and transitioning to a lean bulk. I won't make it below mid 230s but I can see my abs and I'm happy with my current level of conditioning. So initially I'm going to add in 1 ml of EQ to my current 500 mg test e weekly bringing me up to 750 mg weekly of total gear. I'm going to continue with my 5 morning cardio sessions but I'm moving down to just 2 HIIT sessions of cardio after lifting. I'll stick with my current 4 days of lifting with the same volume. Those are the only changes for the first 2 weeks. I'll have to analyze how my body changes from those and decide on new changes. My goal is to add as much muscle as possible without losing my current conditioning.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

I'm now on my 3rd week of my lean bulk. I've put on about 5 lbs but I know its water weight. I have gotten a little leaner since I've started. I've made some dietary adjustments as well. I've add at minimum a 1 scoop protein shake each day but I usually do a 2 scoop shake. My goal is to make sure I hit my protein mark then I fill in my carbs and fat based on training day, rest day and what my day looks like. Working from home and taking care of my daughter sometimes doesn't equal out to eating evey 2-3 hours. However I'm at the point in my life where I have to make bodybuilding fit my life not the other way around. I still dream of adding boat loads of muscle this bulk. My training is going very well almost every exercise is progressing, I'm still lean 3 weeks in and no pain or injuries. Now its all about nutrition and getting what my body needs to build the muscle.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Phill »

it is in the third-fourth week that things begin.
time to push weights here ;)
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

It's been some time since my last update. With holidays and the pandemic things are moving fast. I'm currently weighing 241 lbs at most likely 10-11% body fat. With new covid lock downs training has become a bit harder with 1 hour limits. Although I have found a strategy that works to get in a little extra time. I usually show up errands ask if the current hour is full, if not they usually let me start early. Then I try to sneak in another 10-15 mind after my hour. This has still caused me to drop some volume from my workouts and I have to time my rest periods. Just like most I generally don't prefer change, however if I continue to get good results I may keep these shorter workouts. I always think of the qoute "You can train long or you can train intense but you can't do both". Maybe it's time I train more intense and save some more time for my family. The biggest obstacle I have right now is nutrition and that's getting in enough calories. I know one of the reasons why I'm staying lean is because I'm probably not eating enough. With working from home and taking care of my daughter during the day some days are good some days are terrible. The days with lots of meetings and her schedule being off can lead to missed meals. However I'm doing my best to meet my protein requirements at least. I can always add in a protein shake. I've also paused morning cardio until we can get a better sleep schedule for my daughter. On the gear side I just had another touchdown from PSL. Going to include a pic hopefully, always seem to have trouble with those. I'm currently running 500 mg test e weekly and 300 mg eq weekly. Image
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