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Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 10:01 pm
by Rigeu
TUESDAY — 12/11/24 PUSH

HS pec fly
117kg x 13
117kg x 11
117kg x 10

Incline HS press
130kg x 7
100kg x 10

Flat HS press
120kg x 10
120kg x 8
100kg x

Life fitness plate loaded dip machine
120kg x 12
120kg x 11
120kg x 10

Single arm cuff side lateral raise
7,5kg x 20
7,5kg x 17
7,5kg x 15
7,5kg x 15

SA cuff cable extensions
13kg x 17
13kg x 16
13kg x 15

Straight bar cable pushdowns
45,5kg x 15
45,5kg x 13
45,5kg x 11

Reverse pec deck
75kg x 15
75kg x 15
75kg x 15


Toe press
131,25kg x 17
131,25kg x 15
131,25kg x 14
131,25kg x 13 + 10 partials

Lying leg curls
40kg x 13
40kg x 12
40kg x 10

Seated leg curls
97,5kg x 13
97,5kg x 12
97,5kg x 11

195kg x 10
195kg x 9
195kg x

SL leg extensions
57,5kg x 16
57,5kg x 13
57,5kg x 14

Watson leg press ascending set
(1 set, keep feet on the platform, only resttime is when your trainingspartner is putting on another plate)
80kg x 10
120kg x 10
160kg x 10
200kg x 10
240kg x 10
280kg x 10

Watson leg press dropset
280kg x 12
240kg x 10
200kg x 10
160kg x 10
120kg x 10

Adductor machine
FS x 22
FS x 20

Shoulder bursitis is getting less and less! Still leaving 1-2 reps in the tank on chest en shoulders.

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 4:28 pm
by Rigeu
Friday and saturday workout. Both great workouts, shoulder injury is getting better! Today will be a rest day and monday we’ll be back for a pull workout.

FRIDAY — 15/11/24 ARMS & ABS

Life fitness seated biceps curl
65kg x 15
65kg x 13
65kg x 12

Long rope pushdowns
28kg x 15
28kg x 14
31,5kg x 13

Single arm bdb cable curl
17,5kg x 16
17,5kg x 14
17,5kg x 12

Single arm cuff overhead ext
25kg x 18
27,5kg x 13
27,5kg x 12

Life fitness preacher curl machine
75kg x 12
75kg x 11
75kg x 10

Life fitness dip machine
115kg x 13
115kg x 12
115kg x 11

Dumbell side lateral raises ss facepulls
4 rounds 16kg x 15 <> 50kg x 20

Leg raises superset decline ab crunches
3 rounds both to failure

Saturday — 16/11/24 LEGS

Seated calf raise superset donkey calf raise
80kg x 16 <> 125kg x 12
80kg x 14 <> 125kg x 10
80kg x 13 <> 125kg x 10
80kg x 12 <> 125kg x 10

Panatta Lying leg curls
52,4kg x 15
52,4kg x 13
52,4kg x 12 + 5 partials

Leg extensions
95kg x 15
95kg x 13
95kg x 12

ATX belt squat
120kg x 10
120kg x 10
120kg x 10

Panatta leg press
330kg x 15
330kg x 12
330kg x 11

Standing leg curl
35kg x 15
35kg x 14
35kg x 13

Glute ham raise
10kg x 20
10kg x 16

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2024 4:10 pm
by Rigeu
MONDAY — 18/11/24 PULL

Single arm HS front pulldowns
70kg x 12
65kg x 15

Barbell rows
140kg x 12
130kg x 15

Lat pulldowns
110kg x 16
110kg x 15
110kg x 15

Cable row
107kg x 16
107kg x 15
107kg x 15

Cable pullovers
80kg x 18
80kg x 15
80kg x 13

Single arm bdb cable curl
17,5kg x 17
17,5kg x 14
17,5kg x 12

SA DB hammer curl
20kg x 15
20kg x 14
20kg x 12

Life fitness machine crunches
4 sets to failure

Same pull day for weeks now, but still making progress on all lifts so why change it?

Upped kcals a bit this week since BW is slowly dropping, that’s a sign for me i’m utilizing the food in a good way.

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2024 10:40 pm
by Rigeu

Incline db press
50kg x 12
50kg x 9

HS iso-lateral bench press
100kg x 8
80kg x 12
80kg x 10

HS pec fly
115kg x 12
115kg x 10
101kg x 13

HS pin loaded chest press
80kg x 10
80kg x 8
66kg x 12

Cable flys cluster set
35kg x 14 rp x 10 rp x 8

Standing side lateral raise machine
10kg x 15
10kg x 13
10kg x 12

Reverse pec deck
101kg x 18
101kg x 14
101kg x 12

SA overhead cuff extension
13,75kg x 18
13,75kg x 14
13,75kg x 12

SA cable cuff pushdowns
13,75kg x 13
13,75kg x 12
13,75kg x 10

THURSDAY — 21/11/24 LEGS

Toe press
133,75kg x 12
133,75kg x 11
133,75kg x 10
133,75kg x 9

Lying leg curls
42,5kg x 12
42,5kg x 9
35kg x 14

Seated leg curls
100kg x 14
100kg x 13
100kg x 12

200kg x 10
200kg x 8

HS single leg kneeling leg curl
30kg x 11
30kg x 10

SL leg extensions
60kg x 15
60kg x 12
60kg x 11

Single leg HS horizontal iso lateral leg press
140kg x 15
145kg x 13
145kg x 11

Adductor machine
76,25kg x 20
76,25kg x 16

FRIDAY — 22/11/24 ARMS/ABS

Cable curls
60kg x 15
60kg x 13
60kg x 12


Straight bar pushdowns
75kg x 20
90kg x 15
90kg x 13

Incline db curls
20kg x 10
18kg x
18kg x


Overhead long rope cable extensions
28kg x 12
28kg x 11
28kg x 10

Life fitness preacher curls
75kg x 12
75kg x 11
75kg x 10


Life fitness dip machine
130kg x 13
130kg x 12
130kg x 11

Dumbell side lateral raises
4 round x 18kg x 15


Cable facepulls
4 rounds x 50kg x 20

Leg raises
3 sets to failure


Decline bench crunches
3 sets to failure

Great workouts this week! Shoulder bursitis seems completely gone, but still being careful. The pain i experienced was on another level. I couldn’t even sleep without painkillers and a pillow under my arm.

1 more week for this blast and then i’ll go on a cruise for the month December and January. Going for blood work end of this year to see how we’re health wise!

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2024 10:45 pm
by RoidRage69
Its good that your shoulder issue is resolving. I hate the pain I used to get. Waking up in the middle of the night in pain. Amazing how it just comes on and all of a sudden it goes away. Luckily for me I haven't had any shoulder issues in many months. Got to keep stretching and make sure not to do stupid shit.

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 11:45 am
by Rigeu
SUNDAY — 24/11/24 LEGS

Seated calf raise superset donkey calf raise
80kg x 20 <> 140kg x 10
80kg x 16 <> 140kg x 9
80kg x 14 <> 140kg x 9
80kg x 13 <> 140kg x 9

Panatta Lying leg curls
52,4kg x 15
52,4kg x 13
52,4kg x 12 + 5 partials

Leg extensions
100kg x 14
100kg x 12
100kg x 10

ATX belt squat
120kg x 12
120kg x 11
120kg x 10

Panatta leg press
340kg x 15
340kg x 13
340kg x 12

Standing leg curl
35kg x 15
35kg x 14
35kg x 13

Glute ham raise
15kg x 20
15kg x 18

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 11:47 am
by Rigeu
RoidRage69 wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2024 10:45 pm Its good that your shoulder issue is resolving. I hate the pain I used to get. Waking up in the middle of the night in pain. Amazing how it just comes on and all of a sudden it goes away. Luckily for me I haven't had any shoulder issues in many months. Got to keep stretching and make sure not to do stupid shit.
Exactly! Stretching and warming up is so important, especially when you get older.

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 9:40 pm
by Rigeu
MONDAY — 25/11/24 PULL

Single arm HS front pulldowns
70kg x 12
60kg x 20

Barbell rows
145kg x 12
135kg x 15

Lat pulldowns
112,5kg x 15
112,5kg x 13
112,5kg x 12

Cable row
109kg x 15
109kg x 15
109kg x 15

Cable pullovers
80kg x 18
80kg x 15
80kg x 13

SA DB hammer curl
22kg x 12
22kg x 11
22kg x 10

Single arm bdb cable curl
17,5kg x 15
17,5kg x 13
17,5kg x 12

Life fitness machine crunches
4 sets to failure

Still same lifts, but as long as it is progressing weekly why change it?

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 9:13 am
by Rigeu
TUESDAY — 26/11/24 PUSH

Incline Panatta chest press
100kg x 10
80kg x 11

Neutral grip Panatta chest press
100kg x 8
80kg x 10

Panatta shoulder press
70kg x 12
60kg x 12

Panatta chest fly
75kg x 12
70kg x 13

Reverse Panatta pec deck
40kg x 20
40kg x 16
40kg x 15

Panatta chest dips
80kg x 15
80kg x 14

Seated DB side lateral raises
12kg x 20
12kg x 18
12kg x 16

Overhead rope cable extension
50kg x 13
50kg x 12
50kg x 11

Ez bar cable pushdowns
80kg x 15
80kg x 14
80kg x 13

Went for a different gym with Panatta equipment i’m not used to for push. So kept volume pretty low. Some great old school stuff! Pump was great.

Re: Rigeu’s PSL Sponsored logbook

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 4:51 pm
by Rigeu
FRIDAY — 29/11/24 ARMS, ABS

Straight bar cable pushdown
50kg x 20
75kg x 20
90kg x 20


Cable curls
40kg x 15
50kg x 15
60kg x 15

Life fitness triceps extension
50kg x 20
60kg x 15
75kg x 12


DB arm blaster curls
12kg x 15
14kg x 12
14kg x 12

SA DB preacher curl
14kg x 15
18kg x 12
20kg x 8


SA cuff cable extensions
15kg x 15
17,5kg x 12
17,5kg x 10

EZ bar spider curls
30kg x 13
30kg x 11


EZ bar skullcrusher
30kg x 20
30kg x 18

Cuff lateral cable side raise
10kg x 20
10kg x 17
10kg x 16

Reverse pec deck
101kg x 15
101kg x 13
101kg x 12

Life fitness cable crunch
4 sets to failure

SUNDAY — 01/12/24 LEGS

Seated calf raise superset donkey calf raise
80kg x 20 <> 140kg x 12
80kg x 18 <> 140kg x 12
80kg x 16 <> 140kg x 11
80kg x 15 <> 140kg x 10

Panatta Lying leg curls
52,4kg x 14
52,4kg x 11
42,4kg x 15 + 5 partials

ATX belt squat
120kg x 15
130kg x 13
140kg x 10
150kg x 8

Panatta leg press
320kg x 12
360kg x 12
390kg x 8

Leg extensions
80kg x 16
80kg x 15
80kg x 14

Standing leg curl
35kg x 15
35kg x 14
35kg x 13

Glute ham raise
20kg x 20
20kg x 18

Last 2 workouts this week both went very good!