Let's bench 4 plates

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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Ignoring an iffy gut and pre training silly heavy anxiety = sh*t got done. Inc PB for reps
Hatfield Squat
100kg x 8 reps, 220kg x 8 reps and a weight/rep PB of 370kg/838lbs x 4 (yep I bled again)

Leg Press
250kg x 10 reps, 450kg x 10 repsl and what I think was 730kg x 6 reps (didn't count it to double check just filled it)

Lying Leg Curl
to 19p x 4 r/p reps (PNB)

Leg Extensions
to 90kg/198lbs stack x 2 x 15 reps

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