Let's bench 4 plates

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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

@ Powerhouse doing bench with Ken
Close Grip Bench Press
to 165kg/363lbs x 2 x 1 and 1 x 2 reps (might stay at this weight for another week)

Saxon Bar
This is the new bar which has barely been used. At times I had to rub chalk in a little or be sure to re chalk on the AMRAP set
to 90kg x 4 x 3 and 1 x 8

Bwt; weighed

Steps 9000+

The joys of being recognized for what you do. From running a sponsor log to helping Stevesmi host our podcast... and today??

So a few weeks back I was approached by a gym buddy I've mentioned. I did his wedding pics and he's competed on stage, is a judge for as federation and even, among the rest of his Iron Game CV, had a lab all of his very own if only briefly some years ago. He'd been approached by a fella he'd worked with who wanted to resurrect a company he owned. And my name came up as someone to work with. Finally, in today's post, a package arrived. Hoody and a t-shirt. If this does what it's supposed to do I'll be getting a package every month.

These kinds of deals aren't uncommon. But I've seen people kinda f**k it up. As with ANY sponsor type deal you (and they) get as much out of this as is put in. What the company wants is not, as you might think, you using 47 hashtags or posting EVERY DAMN WHERE. It's engagement and value. You're better with one good post a week that works well than 10 a day that annoy people.

So now I'll be banging that drum on Insta and Facebook. Watch out for a couple of photos (I wont go crazy I promise)

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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

2809k 183.7gP

Steps 9341
Solid day

2803k 125.32g P

steps 6964
Ok numbers

2690k 84g P

steps 4710
Poor (was at a strongman event)
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Rocking the Xplosive Ape hoody (pics on Insta) with Kirk D @ my gym. I was on fire for most of the workout (in zone and sweating too lol)
Power Squat Machine
to 430kg x 12 reps

Leg Press
to 665kg x 8 reps

Lying Leg Curls
Hit the wall on set 2

Leg Extensions
to easy stack+10kg x 8 reps

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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

2280k 194.2g P

Steps 6633
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Busy kinda morning plus hard after a killer leg workout yesterday. @ my gym

Seated Press
Felt good (shoulders loads better at the mo) so...
to 90kg/198lbs x 4 reps (more to come)

Saxon Bar
Gonna slow progression if I stick to the slightly new schedule of 2x a week)
Last 2 sets balance seemed off (might mark the bar with tape) and needed to reset but also it ought to be tough now lol. Can't wait until I'm doing two plates a side x reps
to 92.5kg/203.5lbs x 3 h/o reps, 3 x 3 n/s reps and 4 + 1+ 1 tough reps

Weighed myself (down a few pounds even with a hoody on)
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Hard, heavy and hanging on for one more day on the diet... oof
Hammer Dumbbell Curls
per hand 10kg/22lbs x 12 reps, 30kg/66lbs x 12 reps, 60kg/132lbs x 12 reps, 90kg/198lbs x 8 reps

Skull Crushers+ TPD
bar x 12 reps, 29kg/63.8lbs x 12 reps, 49kg/107.8lbs x 12 reps (little more than before), 91.5kg/201.3lbs x 4 (PB)
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Nearly finished
I only realized an hour or so ago that today is the actual last day (day 28). I'm gonna stay on plan tonight then weigh myself in more or less what I wore at the beginning at the local gym tomorrow.

Where I think I'll be
It will NOT be a lot less (like 3lbs) from where I started but it IS a success. My waist has gone down. I did a little flex in the mirror at Powerhouse after arms and can see the delt/bicep/tricep tie ins. I've only had one stomach issue (not food related but from this weeks crazy heavy leg session) which comes of eating almost zero junk (see below). Strength has stayed on point even depleted and is about to get real crazy (hopefully the` sus/deca will be here V soon as it's much delayed (fkin post office))

Diet n cardio
My cardio has been very close to the targeted 8000 per day (just 3 of the 28 short I think) and ironically tomorrow will be high. Diet has rarely been over and many days I've been way short of the numbers. I doubt I even averaged 2700k and 150g protein

ParaPharma Cut 150
I'm still not a fan of tren but it DOES fkin work 100%. I don't suffer from anxiety but I can deffo see that those that do should NOT use Tren. You 100% KNOW when you're on Tren. Equally, just to get a feel for it using Tren A is ideal. Any PIP I thought I had (first few pins) was NOT product but me allowing the pin to move. In smooth as butter otherwise and a highly recommended product. One more thing... I rarely notice too much of a difference sex drive wise between on and off (probably cos I'm a low dose guy. But I deffo noticed an uplift here. I was wearing it out lol

If you was WAY more hardcore than me and wanted to get ripped (I just wanted to feel lighter on my feet) then ParaPharma Cut 150 WILL help you for sure.

Thanks to...
I also wanna thank the admin team (GearHead especially) and UGFreak for their support. Without their help and encouragement this cut would not have happened. Ditto thanks to those who actually read my log entries
Posts: 772
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Close Grip Bench Press
to 167.5kg/368.5lbs x 3 x 1 and 1 x 2 reps (poss PB??)

Mid Iso Row
to 120kg/264lbs x 6 easy reps+
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Heck of a workout. Tried out the newly arrived Cerebus Extreme knee wraps - super stiff. Bitch to put on but judge for yourself the difference they made

Hatfield Squat
bar x 8 reps, 100kg/220lbs x 8 reps, 180kg/396lbs x 6 reps, 270kg/594lbs x 4 reps

Leg Press
232kg x 8 reps, 432kg x 8 reps, 750.75kg/1651lbs (just cos - so we could say we'd lone 3/4 metric ton lol)) x 3 reps (bit too heavy but quads lit up on both legs)

Lying Leg Curls
4p x 8 reps, 6p x 8 reps Hams lit up right away on both sets due to the previous sets

Leg Extension
1/2 stack x 8 reps,m stack +17.5kg x 8 reps

Bwt: 333lbs
Posts: 772
Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:56 am

Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Seated Press
to 102.5kg x 6 reps

Saxon Bar work
to 102.5kg x 2 H/Off, 2 H/On, 3 H/On, 3 H/On, and 3 H/On*

* hands off or hands on. 5 x 3 next time before adding weight. Next target is 117.5kg. If I stay on this program without testing myself for an additional 6 weeks I might re aim to 120kg
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