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Rules to training my thoughts experience

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:11 pm
by DarrenW29
Rules to training and my thoughts

1.get stronger
2.full range of motion
3.find movements that works
4.less is better 3 on 1 of
5. 4-5 days per week

What I believe is once you reach let’s take bench for example getting up to a 315lbs (140kg) there is no benefit to chest muscle development this is enough weight to provide stimulus every workout to keep breaking muscles down it’s enough load on the tissue use this weight week in week out month in month out etc same applies to squat 4 plate row 3 plate control slow squeeze (nick walker) style

Believe me coming from someone who’s strong it serves no purpose as bodybuilders to built more strength which can lead to injury this weight will be the max to keep breaking the muscles down to keep growing each week keep it intense and to failure 2 hard working sets 8-10 big muscles 4-6 smaller rep range big muscles 8-12-15 smaller 12-15

Then rest take days of get in enough micro macro protein carbs fats veggies calories keep hydrated

Re: Rules to training my thoughts experience

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:56 pm
All the basic rules i believe to . Only think confuse me is 140kg for chest is more than enough to keep growing. if you said is enough to keep the size when you are already huge top level i understand . Because you have someone that uses 140kg for 10 hard reps and this guy will improve yes , but at same time you have someone that uses 140kg and do 20 reps easy ( this guy will not grow because he dont go to failure ).
Yes never train more than 3 days in row and never more than 5 a week.

On rest days i believe is very important to eat alot to recover and improve weak body parts . I see alot of people on rest days dong low carbs and keto when this days are prime to grow . I do my rest days after back and legs because are the muscles need more recovery and the day after ( rest ) i keep calories same except pre intra and post shakes

Re: Rules to training my thoughts experience

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:57 am
by DarrenW29
If you get 20 reps then for sure up the weight but most pros can’t rep 140kg 3 plate incline slow controlled they always fail on 405 180kg kg for 6 1 set then drop down to 3 plates but if you can rep 4 plate then keep this weight so long is you fail

Rest day should be higher calorie day than training I believe on training day pre intra post most effective times but rest day eat through out as all hours are important with extra sleep napping included

Re: Rules to training my thoughts experience

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:46 pm
We have the same way of thinking