Best way to increase appetite?
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:48 pm
Alot of people think that cutting diet is the hardest think in fitness industry, maybe because they never try to grow muscle eating real good food . Im an athlete and i live both situations and i can tell is much harder to bulk eating real food without hungry. And even harder when you are on bulking for long time , thinks are getting even harder.
But we always have to find a solution to our problems, to keep improving :
*Some coaches use the "Mini Cut" method. This is nothing more than reduce calories add some cardio to increase your metabolism and give you hunger again to keep going with the goal of bulking .
*Other method is using drugs to increase hunger.
*The more know drug used to increase appetite is Periactin super used by top coaches like George F. and he increases hunger so well, stomach finishes digesting food in 45 min, never bloated no matter how much I eat, sleep like a baby. The only problem is the huge lethargy. Dose is from 4mg to 12 , but the normal in bodybuilding to increase hunger is 4mg 3 times per day.
*MK677 an orally active growth hormone secretagogue that increases your natural hgh levels , doing that gives you amazing sleep, pump in gym, increases muscle fibers, improves skin health and gives you an insane hunger and decreases insulin sensitivity because it keeps pusing hgh 24h day . Dosage goes from 10 to 30mg per day.
GHRP6 is a peptide that increases your natural hgh , but is more used to increase hunger on bulking , works almost like MK677 without decreasing insulin sensitivity because as a short half life . Dosage is 100mcg 3x day , best 30min prior to a meal.
Many other thinks are used like smoking weed , Megestrol Acetate.
But we always have to find a solution to our problems, to keep improving :
*Some coaches use the "Mini Cut" method. This is nothing more than reduce calories add some cardio to increase your metabolism and give you hunger again to keep going with the goal of bulking .
*Other method is using drugs to increase hunger.
*The more know drug used to increase appetite is Periactin super used by top coaches like George F. and he increases hunger so well, stomach finishes digesting food in 45 min, never bloated no matter how much I eat, sleep like a baby. The only problem is the huge lethargy. Dose is from 4mg to 12 , but the normal in bodybuilding to increase hunger is 4mg 3 times per day.
*MK677 an orally active growth hormone secretagogue that increases your natural hgh levels , doing that gives you amazing sleep, pump in gym, increases muscle fibers, improves skin health and gives you an insane hunger and decreases insulin sensitivity because it keeps pusing hgh 24h day . Dosage goes from 10 to 30mg per day.
GHRP6 is a peptide that increases your natural hgh , but is more used to increase hunger on bulking , works almost like MK677 without decreasing insulin sensitivity because as a short half life . Dosage is 100mcg 3x day , best 30min prior to a meal.
Many other thinks are used like smoking weed , Megestrol Acetate.