A weak core is likely the reason you don't have a flat stomach.

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A weak core is likely the reason you don't have a flat stomach.

Post by Jozifp103 »


Do you have a protruding stomach or bloated looking abs even when you're lean? Sure it may be visceral fat, or gas, or poor digestion....but it could also be the result of a WEAK CORE.

Your core needs to have a balance. Abs, lower back, hip flexors, glutes, etc. all have to be balanced in strength to have proper posture and avoid strains and pains. Let's be honest, some of us tend to neglect the muscles that don't stand out at the beach and forget to work the "functional" muscles.

Neglecting your core muscles while continually building your "beach muscles" will lead to you becoming top heavy without the proper support system underneath to hold it up. Without the proper help from your core muscles, more weight is being put directly on the spine. The spine has a mild natural arch to it to allow for some shock absorption...however when extra weight/strain is being put on your spine, it will start to bend more.

Think of pole vaulting. When the athlete plants the pole and begins to ascend the pole bends or "arches" due to the weight of the athlete. Now imagine that pole is your spine...

This constant exaggerated arch in your spine can lead to a condition called Hyperlordosis which is another term for Anterior Pelvic Tilt.

What happens is, when your spine's arch is exaggerated it forces your pelvis to tilt itself forward. Eventually your core muscles adapt to this posture and and strengthen in this position sort of "locking" it in place and making it harder to correct down the road.


This pelvic tilt forces your stomach/abdomen outward giving you that "beer belly" look. So even when you're lean it may look like you always have a protruding or rounded mid section.

Moral of the story...STRENGTHEN YOUR CORE.

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Re: A weak core is likely the reason you don't have a flat stomach.

Post by MONSTRO »

Yes this is one of the reasons yes but many others , like eating alot during many years . Imagine put every day 4kg of food and 6 litres water to your stomach . Of course IGF grows not only muscle but also organs . IGF = hgh + slin combo. Heavy weights increase core .
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Re: A weak core is likely the reason you don't have a flat stomach.

Post by TrenDick »

Completely agree
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Re: A weak core is likely the reason you don't have a flat stomach.

Post by Jozifp103 »

MONSTRO wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:41 am Yes this is one of the reasons yes but many others , like eating alot during many years . Imagine put every day 4kg of food and 6 litres water to your stomach . Of course IGF grows not only muscle but also organs . IGF = hgh + slin combo. Heavy weights increase core .
Yes but for the average recreational bodybuilder they are likely not abusing HGH and slin to that extent so I would day it's more likely their protruding stomach is due to one of the reasons I mentioned in my post (gas, poor digestion, visceral fat, poor posture/core strength).
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Re: A weak core is likely the reason you don't have a flat stomach.

Post by MONSTRO »

Jozifp103 wrote: Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:12 pm
MONSTRO wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:41 am Yes this is one of the reasons yes but many others , like eating alot during many years . Imagine put every day 4kg of food and 6 litres water to your stomach . Of course IGF grows not only muscle but also organs . IGF = hgh + slin combo. Heavy weights increase core .
Yes but for the average recreational bodybuilder they are likely not abusing HGH and slin to that extent so I would day it's more likely their protruding stomach is due to one of the reasons I mentioned in my post (gas, poor digestion, visceral fat, poor posture/core strength).
Yes most people claim insulin as the bad boy for big bellies and fat , but insulin helps transport food to right places and that ways help absorb . HGH burn fat . Eating alot of food without hgh and slin is worst than using it for sure
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