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Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:13 pm
by Vision
Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Nandrolone Decanoate or NPP ad side effects
I'm just curious on how some of you guys treat it and do you get a mild case of it, or a server case, or do you have no signs or symptoms while on nandrolone decanoate?

Thank goodness I experience very little symptoms and only get them occasionally.

Re: Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:16 am
by A.font817
I don’t get deca dick exactly... I just take forever to get off on it and I mean forever. Once I do this thing goes full limp noodle in seconds and stays that way lmao

Re: Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:28 pm
by maxmuscle1
Vision wrote: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:13 pm Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Nandrolone Decanoate or NPP ad side effects
I'm just curious on how some of you guys treat it and do you get a mild case of it, or a server case, or do you have no signs or symptoms while on nandrolone decanoate?

Thank goodness I experience very little symptoms and only get them occasionally.
I use 100mg of P5P(supplement)daily as a first line of defense against high prolactin. If it continues, I use cabergoline at .25-.5mg every Monday and Thursday until it is under control. If gyno is not being controlled by your AI or Serm, like adex/nolvadex, using cabergoline is a must.


Re: Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:00 am
by Heavy Hitter
A.font817 wrote: Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:16 am I don’t get deca dick exactly... I just take forever to get off on it and I mean forever. Once I do this thing goes full limp noodle in seconds and stays that way lmao
I’m the same way. No problem with wrections but it makes me last waaaay longer

Re: Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:52 pm
Vision wrote: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:13 pm Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Nandrolone Decanoate or NPP ad side effects
I'm just curious on how some of you guys treat it and do you get a mild case of it, or a server case, or do you have no signs or symptoms while on nandrolone decanoate?

Thank goodness I experience very little symptoms and only get them occasionally.
For deca dick try to use Masteron and provion on same cycle and you will change completely . From soft to hard as nails and crazy sex . I live high dosages masteron , over 600mg week and 100mcg proviron ED. Try it and do sex every day

Re: Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:35 am
by Vision
That is exactly the dosages I use I use 600 or more of mast and probably 75 or 100 of prov.
I will fluctuate those dosages depending on my blaster Cruise but sometimes I hit a brick wall and I need to do a blast of HCG just to prime the libido but the only problem is it has a tendency to activate a specific enzyme that is known to induce a rapid onset of gynecomastia, and there's actually nothing people can do about it because it comes on so quick..

Re: Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:07 pm
Vision wrote: Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:35 am That is exactly the dosages I use I use 600 or more of mast and probably 75 or 100 of prov.
I will fluctuate those dosages depending on my blaster Cruise but sometimes I hit a brick wall and I need to do a blast of HCG just to prime the libido but the only problem is it has a tendency to activate a specific enzyme that is known to induce a rapid onset of gynecomastia, and there's actually nothing people can do about it because it comes on so quick..
That´s why i hate HCG , is very easy to get gyno on it . Proviron + Masteron something we should use every cycle to fell KING .

What you suggest to use to keep full and round when using masteron ( we know masteron flatten you alot )

Re: Deca dick, do you get it and what do you do to treat the symptoms?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:27 pm
by Jozifp103
I've only experienced full fledged Deca-dick once or twice to the point where I could not get hard. Caber fixed me right up within a few days. Normally I don't have any issues but I definitely notice a difference in the bedroom every time I use Nandrolone. There's definitely a slight numbing effect which makes me take longer to finish. Can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how much my woman can handle at that particular moment. Sometimes she'll start to get sore and I'll get the "wrap it up" look from her lol.
