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What do you need for a cycle?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:46 am
by Hany-Support
The most important thing, i.e. Before you definitely need Research:
Here you will learn everything before > anabolic-steroid-chatter-box-f4/first-s ... html#p9178

Appropriate Training Plan, and the ability to understand and maintain a diet.

For the first cycle you will definitely need:
-Syringes can be 2-3ml.
- Needles 0.7/0.6x30mm for injection.
-1.0+/40mm needles for scooping oil/centre

- Insulin syringes for drawing HCG can be, for example, 0.40X13mm
For disinfection, e.g. ready-made alcohol swabs.

With additional measures, it is definitely anti-hormones, ie