Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 9:59 am
We are pleased to welcome you here again! Thanks for appreciating my work:]
I noticed being a few years at various gyms that people completely forget about warming up, and it is thanks to it that our body begins to warm up more
, the blood pumps more so that we are better supplied with blood - better blood supply > better pump > greater gains > satisfaction and smile on faces :mrgreen: :geek:
I noticed being a few years at various gyms that people completely forget about warming up, and it is thanks to it that our body begins to warm up more
, the blood pumps more so that we are better supplied with blood - better blood supply > better pump > greater gains > satisfaction and smile on faces :mrgreen: :geek:
So that's right - if better blood supply, better increments and effects! Studies show that a good warm-up is not only "oiling joints, bones", but an increase in the possibility of lifting weights by up to 10-20%
Thanks to a good, intense warm-up - we lift more, we are warmer up, blood pumps better, we sweat more - so we are able to increase our progress.
As a result, more progress - more mass, more fat burned - and this is what we care about the most.
Ok, so what should the CORRECT warm-up look like? - You can say that I'm warming up, doing swings and more! I thought so for a long time, but you know what
Let's put these swings in the ass - Sports freaks try this! 8-) :
Before training, we fly on a treadmill / bike / rower / print, I like the elliptical trainer the most - although the rower also does a nice job.
It's also nice to combine everything after a few minutes, e.g. 3 min elliptical trainer + 3min treadmill + 3min rower = 9 min intense warm-up (but we do not start with 9 minutes, if you have never done so - it will be cool 5 minutes at the beginning later with each week a minute up)
Now we fly to the beginning from 5 minutes, i.e. 5 minutes of treadmill we run at 80%-90% of our intensity, but first we prepare for such intensity that no injury falls, i.e. we start slower.
Do not be afraid that after such a warm-up you will lift less, or you will not have energy for training - You will see for yourself how you will feel the game - a miracle honey fairy tale 8-)
We also start with 5 minutes of intense running, until we feel that we are warm and sweating.
After such a warm-up, we add swings and your standard warm-up, we start our training.
Now an additional important thing that we necessarily introduce.
Let's assume today we make a 60kg chest (example - you do with your weight) before we fly on our weight.
We start on an empty banner, or half the weight of the main series, in this case 30kg, we do 20-40 quick repetitions. + best warm-up 50%, 75%, 90% and we start the main series.
I guarantee that you have never had such a pump, nor have you been so super hot - as after such a warm-up. You will see how good you feel, and how your muscles start to grow.
The same with other exercises, legs, paws, back, etc. Before add quick repetitions of 30%-50% of the weight of the main series and 20-40 repetitions, then you normally fly with sets.
Before each workout, we do this way and in addition we have more calories burned, so that we still do not have to change anything in our diet to burn fat, and at the same time we have progress and muscle sensation like never before.
I greet warmly - check it on yourself!