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Beginner Cycle

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 11:27 pm
by AZChillin’
Alright guys! I’m pretty new to this and just looking for suggestion of options on best beginner cycles. I was about 4 weeks into testing the waters and than COVID-19 showed up shut down all the gyms. Being that the gyms closed, I decided to hold off until they reopen to I can truly hit the weights hard.

So as I patiently wait for the gyms to reopen, what’s your option on the best gear to use/dosage wise for a beginner? Currently ordered some Test E, Var, Stanzo and Tamoxifen from EP to be delivered.

Appreciate all the advice and stay safe everyone! :D

Re: Beginner Cycle

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 3:51 am
by cdubw44
Are you going to blast and cruise or PCT ?

Re: Beginner Cycle

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 7:11 am
by AZChillin’
Haven’t decided if I want to blast or cruise...leaning towards blast.

Re: Beginner Cycle

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 12:32 pm
by cdubw44
Man if you were on other boards they would destroy you! Haha! Test E at 500 week and aromasin as needed ( individual kinda thing read up on it). Get bloods at week 6 then evaluate talk to you coach or someone smarter than me and see if adding a oral is right. You may have great gains and not need it. Most dudes run nova( tamoxifen) as their pct with clomid. I don’t pct so can’t help out with that.

Re: Beginner Cycle

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 12:53 pm
by AZChillin’
Thanks for the reply! Yeah I’m sure they would but like I said, still new to this and just doing some research and taking suggestions from people with more experience than myself.

Re: Beginner Cycle

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 1:06 am
by A.font817
AZChillin’ wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 12:53 pm Thanks for the reply! Yeah I’m sure they would but like I said, still new to this and just doing some research and taking suggestions from people with more experience than myself.
Keep it simple bro test E or cyp 12 weeks have ai on hand and let it rip. If pct then have it before hand don’t wait till last min

Re: Beginner Cycle

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 1:09 am
by cdubw44
A.font817 wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 1:06 am
AZChillin’ wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 12:53 pm Thanks for the reply! Yeah I’m sure they would but like I said, still new to this and just doing some research and taking suggestions from people with more experience than myself.
Keep it simple bro test E or cyp 12 weeks have ai on hand and let it rip. If pct then have it before hand don’t wait till last min
Listen to this guy he knows his stuff.

Re: Beginner Cycle

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 5:49 am
by AZChillin’
A.font817 wrote: Tue May 12, 2020 1:06 am
AZChillin’ wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 12:53 pm Thanks for the reply! Yeah I’m sure they would but like I said, still new to this and just doing some research and taking suggestions from people with more experience than myself.
Keep it simple bro test E or cyp 12 weeks have ai on hand and let it rip. If pct then have it before hand don’t wait till last min
Appreciate the information A.Fonte817!! Can’t wait to hit it hard and let it rip 💪🏽

Re: Beginner Cycle

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 8:58 pm
The best begginer cycle:

You can use only test 750mg week is the safest way to beggin , but the first cycle is when you have the biggest results so in my opinion is your best chance to grow alot because all receptors are fresh.
So i recommned:
Test 750mg week
Deca 500mf week
dianabol 30mg day.

The first time i use this cycle i go from 80kg to 104kg , 52cm arms 180kg bencgh press 5 reps