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Orals kill my hunger

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:29 am
Injectables are the base of any cycle because they are more stable on body , are less toxic and can be used for longer . The main injectable that should always be part of any cycle if you want to keep your sex drive, energy and mood is testosterone .

But orals are so powerfull that you need them to achieve you maximum potencial. Orals work so quick and some of them give more results than any injectable , so why not use them if they are a must to any cycle , bulking ( dbol , M1T, Anadrol ) and cutting ( anavar, winstrol, superdrol, halo, primo) .

The biggest concern about orals is liver toxicity , and doing that you lose hunger ( not good on bulking ) and also fell more lethargic . This is something that is worst with the age , I remember when I was young I handle easy 100mg dbol + 200mg anadrol same time without any acid reflex or hunger problems but now over 40´s I start having acid reflux , lose all my appetite .

After try many thinks to solve this I find a real great solution :
*Take all your orals right before bed , because during the night you can be lethargic without any problem and also lose the hunger when you will not eat more. That way you eat normally during the day and have no lethargy. Im doing that for 3 months and now I can use orals all my cycles.


Re: Orals kill my hunger

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:53 pm
by Mobster
Monstro is kinda right about for mg they are harder on the body BUT... there's an issue which many ignore when making blanket statements about oral cycles (Dylan I'm looking at you!! lol).

It's this - lets use DBol as an example. Most dose trhis between 30-50mg a day. 30mg is super popular. So 210mg a week.

Compare that to, for example, a 500mg cycle of just test - let's say Test E. Apart from TRT when do we see ANYONE run an injectable cycle of 210mg a week? Never.

So it's true that we are ALL gonna use more of what we argue is a safer injectable which somewhat negates the safer advantage.

In other words you use MORE (at least double, triple or more) what you'd run with most orals. And even injectables impact us of course