Hypertrophy Tips

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Hypertrophy Tips

Post by ckcrown84 »



I am not saying that bench press is the king of chest hypertrophy movements, but I am saying if you get stronger for reps you can guarantee you've packed on some size.

I am a big advocate of, under most circumstances, clean well executed reps. Regardless of your goal being size or strength you simply benefit more from a well executed repetition than not.

Bouncing (Momentum)
Heaving (changing your leverages giving you mechanical advantage)
Dancing (Honestly, no idea)
Butt lifting (change in positioning, leverages)
Doing the stanky leg (Still nothing, aside from a camp what are you doing?)

all detract from your goal, they don't improve it. They create the illusion of strength which will have even less carryover to growing muscle or expressing strength in controlled conditions.

Bouncing 405 off your chest doesn't mean you can cleanly press 455
Bouncing 405 off your chest isn't going to generate hypertrophy, it will generate momentum off your chest requiring the muscle to do even less work.

Lift clean, eat health and you can more clearly monitor progress.

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Test 250 / Tren 150 - 2ml week
Orals on standby and will be implemented at a later date.

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Re: Hypertrophy Tips

Post by Phill »

flat bench can not miss.
ok sure, today there are many exercises, many machines ... but without a flat bench something is missing.
so never miss it.
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Re: Hypertrophy Tips

Post by MONSTRO »

Yes bench press is the king of mass and strenght for any athlete. During my first 10 years i focus on him as 1º exercice of chest day using 5x5 reps increasing weights each set and each week to get stronger , and when you got stronger you will grow.

Heavy weight and basic movements is the way to get huge . Ronnie, Dorian, Branch.
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Re: Hypertrophy Tips

Post by samgraves82 »

Cant imagine not doing flat bench. I been adding bands a lot too. Chest pump for days. Add a 30 degree.incline and forget about it!!
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Re: Hypertrophy Tips

Post by ckcrown84 »

I have used bands a few ways, keep in mind I am powerlifting specific but:

1) to present a small overload on volume work to the triceps. The micro mini band is great for this.

2) to really work on maximal force development, done in two ways
Dynamic effort (currently in place on Wednesdays)
Maximum effort (This is done a few weeks out from competition and will be in my Saturday routine starting 8/22
Thats when shit gets real. 130+lbs of band tension.
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