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Some Benching :)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:06 pm
by ckcrown84
Oh snap, been a few sense I have done an update. Training is going great.

As you can see I have a general direction I am going:

The death march is going, hit me with questions!

Current Cycle (increased test and NPP on 7/20 to the numbers below)
500 Test
200 NPP
300 EQ
400 masteron
20mg Dbol

Everything is there for a reason, only thing I want to immediately increase is masteron to 600, but currently can't.
I will get rid of Dbol in about 3-4 more weeks and may or may not swap it out.

Re: Some Benching :)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:38 am
by Phill
no words...
you are awesome man!

Re: Some Benching :)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:45 pm
Amazing genetics and hard work , because you are huge and so strong using a little bit of each compound ( not huge dosages ) . Congrats ans keep good work