
Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Mobster »

Include the poundages.

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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »

Hello hello, It has been a while. One thing is for sure. I am good at a lot of things in life but here lately keeping an updated log is not one of the things i am good at.

Let`s get caught up :)

For the past several weeks my coach and I have had me in a caloric deficit to get rid of this stubborn lower belly fat that I have struggled with my entire life. This lower abdomen fat has been there for 20+ years and in the past I have never been able to take my self to the place that I need to go to get rid of it. Looking at various people in my family they all have this particular stubborn fat so it is obviously a genetic thing for it to be such a stubborn place for me. Well, things have changed and are continuing to change by the day. Now that I have a coach I no longer have to deal with the fact that I could not mandate my self to do what it is taking to get rid of this fat. My coach tells me what to do and my one job is to do it to the best of my ability. at 2800 cal a day I got down to 190 pounds which was a big sticking point so For 1 week now my daily calories have been at 2140. 250p 150c 60f which has had me starving to death constantly but my last weight was 186 so it has proven very effective. I`ll weigh in tomorrow morning and see where I`m at. At 6'2" inches I realize I am not currently holding a great deal of muscle given these weights but given where I started which was very skinny fat and where I am now I am happy with my overall progress! Last time my body fat percentage was this low I was around 158 pounds.

Cardio has been 5 days a week and ranges from 30 min to 1 hour per day. It was constantly at 1 hour on the treadmill but we switched things up to doing a 3.0 incline on the treadmill which has been a big change. I been trying to burn at least 500 calories per cardio session. With my work schedule this has not proven easy for me along with weight training but I am getting it done.

Let`s give this log thing another go and see I can maintain some consistency this time :) I have been able to make a TON of positive life changes in the past several weeks so I just feel as though this is the right time to get serious with logging again.

My meals are the same every day in terms of food choices atm. Chicken breast, jasmine rice, Lightly salted almonds, Whey protein, Unsweetened almond milk, apples (or another fruit such as a banana) as well as some veggies.

Today is shoulder day a long with cardio.

Current anabolics to assist in cutting this last bit of fat off and more so to maintain the muscle mass are as follows:
500mg EP Test
300mg EP Mast prop
160mg EP Tren Hex
25mg EP Anavar every AM.

My metabolism is still absolutely crazy and within 30-60 min of eating a meal I am hungry again. I try to keep carbs away from bed time and have them around my workout. If i have any carbs at all pre bed then I will soak the bed in sweat and wake up soaking wet. There have been nights that I changed my shirt 3 times throughout the night.

I`ll be starting a newer product from EP hopefully today or tomorrow. It is something that PSL has had for a while now but I have not seen very many people log about it so i want to do a good log on it and document my experience with it from start to finish :) I will keep you in suspense for a short time and I`ll post pictures of the product and details very soon!

In the event I am not posting then I fully give you my permission to say "Matt, Hey hey post in your log!!" :) You don`t have to be polite about it either :)

I have an all new respect for all you guys that are very lean and that compete on stage. While I have not even begun to be in your shoes yet and I am not comparing my self to you, I do have a much better understanding now and I much larger appreciation to what it takes to get really lean. The hunger alone is in the top 5 hardest things that I have ever dealt with.

Coach tells me the first time you get really lean is the hardest so I am hoping if i can push through this then the next time perhaps it will be slightly easier.

Thanks for reading and talk soon :)
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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »

Monday was shoulders. My left shoulder was flared up a bit (old injury) which was odd bc it hasnt bothered me for months. I learned the hard way that when it's hurting and I just push through it that it just gets worse and worse so I cut my shoulder workout short to give it a rest and hopefully by next week it will be back to normal. I did manage to get the blood flowing and a pump so I'm glad I was able to at least give them some stimulation.

Did 1 hour of steady state cardio on the treadmill at 3.0 incine

-Standing cable rear delt fly3 x 15,12,10
-Cable side Laterals
3 x 15,12,10

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is legs and I'm actually pretty excited about it. Since I been seeing some veins in my quads where I'm leaning out its nice to see what kind of leg pump I can get. Going to hit abs hard as wellย 

Until tomorrow.

Happy 4th everyone
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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »

Leg day was today and 1 hour of steady state cardio. For cardio I did treadmill at 3.0 incline and worked up to 5.0 incline. Doing cardio consistently it is becoming harder and harder to get my heart rate up. It will stay between 100-110 so i am turning up the incline in an effort to get it up further. It worked a little but still only went to around 115. I am just trying to avoid running bc i hate running and so do my knees.


Plate loaded Leg Press
4 x 15, 12, 10, 8

Smith Machine Squat
2 x 20 straight sets

3 x 15, 12, 10, 8

Lying Leg curls
2 x 15, 12 + top set back off 1 and a 1/2 rep finisher.

Leg Ext.
2 x 15, 12 + top set back off 1 and a 1/2 finish

I will post some food porn in a few before bed. The pictures are on my phone and I am on my PC atm. I hope everyone had a great 4th!! We had a great fireworks show over this way. It was a nice time. My wife drove us there and I ate chicken and rice in the passenger seat lol.

I started this yesterday. Looking forward to see how it does. It is to early to tell but I will keep everyone posted :) I felt like I noticed an increase in cardio ability today but I want to give it some time to see what happens. Doing 1 tablet every AM with my EP 25mg Anavar. I`ll post an anavar pic to bc who doesn`t like some good gear porn :)

Cardio Agent-cleaned.jpg

Anavar with logos-cleaned.jpg

I am making a small diet change. Lately since calories dropped to 2140 I have been doing 2 chicken and rice meals and a protein shake with 2 scoops of why with fruit for the 3rd meal. I decided to quit being lazy and it will be 3 meals of chicken and rice without the shake. I am staying extremely hungry so hopefully it helps a little spreading out my whole foods through out the day. Idk why I was doing that. I just got in the habit of the shake before bc I would have 3 whole food meals and 2 snacks that consisted of 2 scoops of whey per and fruit.

So the diet now looks like this.

1. 8oz chicken and 150g jasmine rice
2. 8oz chicken and 150g jasmine rice
3. 8oz chicken and 150g jasmine rice
Snack 1. 40g almonds and a small apple
Snack 2. 40g Almonds

Can`t wait for calories to go back up but I also can`t wait to see the rest of my abs. It is such a conflicting feeling.


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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »

Well the past several days have been interesting. I discovered that I don't tolerate anavar well so we dropped that. It was causing me fatigue, severe heart burn, stiffness and pain in my neck along with a tension headache. My coach said 99% of people do great with anavar and love it but I'm the 1% that doesn't which is unfortunate bc I was enjoying it. 25mg a day was nice but the side effects wasn't nice at all.

The fatigue was pretty debilitating. My IBS and other GI issues I deal with all the time just makes me not tolerate most orals well at all but on a positive note we thought maybe it was the 160mg a week of Tren Hex causing those side effects which was not the case. If I had to choose between not tolerating tren hex or anavar I'd pick the anavar not to tolerate well for obvious reasons.

Given the heart burn and fatigue I ended up over eating for a few days. Late at night I'd be hungry which is to be expected atm but the issue was the severe heart burn made not tolerable so I was downing random carbs and almond milk ๐Ÿ™ƒ

So today (Monday) I'm back in the game diet and training wise. I'm going to post up my meal plan coach laid out tomorrow when I make my next log entry. After a couple days of being off the anavar I'd say I'm at about 90% so I'm confident tomorrow I'll be back to 100%

Today was shoulders and cardio. Was a busy day doing stuff around the house. You guys know how it is. You get a day off and end up working harder than you would had you just went to work ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

I hope everyone has had a great start to your week! Tomorrow (Tuesday) I should be back to regular log entries.

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »


Did 1 hour steady state cardio on the treadmill prior to the workout which was not the greatest thing ever but you gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes.

Plate loaded Leg Press
4 x 15, 12, 10, 8
Smith Machine Squat
2 x 20 straight sets
4 x 15, 12, 10,8
Lying Leg curls
2 x 15, 12 + top set back off 1 and a 1/2 rep finisher.
Leg Ext.
2 x 15, 12 + top set back off 1 and a 1/2 finisher.
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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »

Update on my addition of Euro Pharmacies -Cardio agent GW-501516

I started noticing the benefits of this compound after just a few days of taking 20mg every AM. However, it is really starting to shine now. Cardio has become much much easier to the point that I`m able to increase treadmill speed and incline without it feeling like intensity increased. I really noticed it last night during some bed time with my wife. I can just go and go and go without getting out of breath. My heart rate will raise per my watch but it is difficult to get out of breath now. Even if you aren`t looking to do a bunch of cardio this product could serve you well if you plan on having some long and intense sex sessions. I have not noticed any side effects from it all to the point that I forget I am taking it till I set up my daily supplements tabs/caps and I see it. I will continue to provide feedback as time goes by but so far I give this compound a solid 10/10 :)

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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »

New meal plan. Let's go!

Coach made it specifically the way it is based on my IBS, foods I can/can't eat, managing my constipation I get off/on etc. If it's not on this plan I'm not eating it so this is now my daily diet. If I screw up I'll log it going forward to give myself some accountability.

3 whole eggs
250 grams egg whites weighed before cooking

Shake 1
2 scoops protein
1 banana

200g cooked white rice
8oz cooked Chicken Breast/ lean ground turkey/lean ground chicken
1 cup veggies of choice

Shake 2
2 scoops protein
1 cup blueberries
32g nut butter

8 oz Tilapia
1 Kombucha

200g cooked white rice
7oz cooked salmon
1 cup veggies of choice
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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »

Thursday 7/13

Did 1 hour of steady state cardio today burning just over 500 calories (according to my watch at least) then had a great chest workout. I was actually still a little sore from the chest workout last week. Got to love being in a deficit.

Man I just can`t put into words how much I love cable flies at the end of a chest session. I just love going all out on them and getting that burn then pressing to failure and pushing a bit past it. I really like pausing when the cable handles are all the way in and feeling the squeeze/burn. There just isn`t another feeling like it. The burning pain is so enjoyable. I`ve always love working my chest like that though and in fact I would go so far as to say it`s always been my favorite muscle group to work. Legs was always my least my favorite but I got to admit that here lately with seeing my legs grow that they are moving up to be tied for first place in regards to my favorite muscle group to work.

Flat machine Press
3 x 12,10, 8 + back off set for 15

DB Incline Bench press
3 x 12,10,8

Flat Bench DB Press
3 x 12, 10, 8, 6

Cable Flies
15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

New meal plan is starting out well. I got in the habit of just eating chicken for every meal and now adding fish into the mix is actually amazing. Idk why I didn`t eat it much before but if I am being honest it was just me being lazy bc it was easier to just cook up a ton of chicken and eat it for every meal. I got in the chicken habit when I was working more hours than i have been lately. Now that I have a little more time to put into the kitchen it is a welcome change!
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Re: Euro Pharmacies | Purity Source Labs -Matt's Sponsored log

Post by Matt88 »


Hope everyone is having a great week! I`ve been sick but feeling better now. Was some sort of virus that only lasted a couple of days. I love working in healthcare but I do get exposed to everything coming and going. Excited to get back at it!! Will be hitting the gym later today and I will post a log update.

I did do a quick ab session yesterday but I just did not have the energy to do more than that. While I am not 100% just yet I will be in a couple days and I am close enough today to get back to it. I can`t mentally tolerate waiting any longer to get back in the gym. It feels like a part of my is missing when I go a few days without hitting the gym. I also feel on edge bc I don`t have that release of picking up some weights.
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