Let's bench 4 plates

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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

@ Powerhouse. Working my way to heavy sh*t
Hammer DB Curls
to 90kg x 4 reps (more there)


Skull Crushers
to 89kg x 4 reps (more there too)

Reverse BB Wrist Curls (standing)
I'll alternate these with the flexor focused version as I was getting an imbalance

Bwt: 318lbs

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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Head up my a** kind of session. Big numbers just not what I wanted and yet only 4 weeks after Pneumonia. I need to back da f**k off and reset. Which means cycling back up
Close Grip Bench Press
to 195kg x fail (moved only with a spot from Ken). Wanted 2 x 1.


Iso Lever Mid Row
to 125kg x 6 reps
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Solo @ my gym. Took 1 hr
Broke leg extension selector rod lol. Repair (weld) or replace
Lever Squat
(3 sets total) Head on so upped to 325kg/715lbs x 4 reps

Iso Lever Leg Press
(2 sets total) 1 leg at a time to 180kg/396lbs x 6 reps (more there)

Lying Leg Curls
(2 sets total) to 9 stack plates

Leg Extensions
(2 sets total) to stack+ 10kg x 5 then snap lol
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Seated Press
to 92.5kg/203.5lbs x 5 reps

Saxon bar work
to 100kg x 4 x 3 reps (locked in and using 'snapping' technique
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Single arm dumbbell curl
10kg x 10, 20kg x 10 and 30kg x 10 (I focus more on a flex here than the heavy hammer curls)

Tricep Pressdowns
to 17p x 5 reps (felt strong on these)

Standing BB Wrist Curls - Flexor
to 105kg x 5 reps

Bwt: I should stop weighing myself cos it's annoying lol
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

@ Powerhouse. Took my sweet time., Bench with Chris (no Ken - shoulder hurting)
Close Grip Bench Press
to 160kg/352lbs x 3, 170kg x1 and 180kg x 1. New program will be 160kg x 3-5 x 3 reps from next week

One Arm Dumbbell Rows
50kg/110lbs x 8, 70kg/154lbs x 8 and 90kg/198lbs x 8. All easy and both arms

MiraFit 60mm Handle work
LH: 81.25kg x 2 x 3 and 1 x 2 (hard iffy 3rd) reps
RH: 82.5kg x 3 x 3 reps
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Still not tested the Cerberus bar.I decided I wanted to do the 365kg soon more than I wanted to train solo so I went to Powerhouse and do a double with 330kg on their bar (didn't bend... phew). If I'd have trained at mine I might have done a single for safety reasons. As it was I might have done a triple

Hatfield Squat
bar x 8, 100kg x 8, 200kg x 6 and 330kg/726lbs x 2 reps

Leg Press
to 690kg. NB: no pad so not usual depth

Lying Leg Curls
to 15p x 6 reps

Leg Extensions
to stack x 8 reps (easy)

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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Usual post leg day slow start but after a little Peaky Blinders it was kick ass time
Seated Press
to 95kg/209lbs x 4 reps

Saxon Bar - 3x3-inch - work
to 101.25kg/222lbs approx x 2 NS, 2 RP, 2 NS and 3 NS reps
Posts: 649
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Hammer DB Curls
to 90kg/198lbs dumbbell x 6 reps @

Skull Crushers - EZ bar
to 96.5kg/212.3lbs x 4 ugly reps

Reverse Standing BB Wrist Curls
to 50kg x 5 reps
Posts: 649
Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:56 am

Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Took my time. @Powerhouse Gym
Close Grip Bench Press
to 160kg/352lbs x 3 x 3 and 12 x 4 reps

One Arm Dumbbell Row
to 90kg/198lbs x 9 reps

MiraFit 60mm Handle Lift Work
Good day to
LH: to 81.25kg x 3 x 3 solid reps
RH: to 87.75kg x 3 x 3 reps
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