Here more informations about my 11 weeks cycle for recovery.
Actually i continue the rehabilitation but with TRT (125mg TE/Week) and 100mg Methenolone Enanthate first 3 weeks followed by 200mg/ week for all summer, i restart surely the same cycle with EP (Sustanon/Nandrolone and if all is well EP rHGH) for next winter.
About my cycle of 11 weeks with PSL sponsors (Euro-Pharmaceuticals)
I started with low test (if my memorie are well between 140 to 200 of Test Total) with low energy mental and physical, feeling like depressed / anxious, lose appetit, no motavation (thanks hypogonadism) i stoped training from injury i started the first session with physio only.
I had no more strength in my legs and atrophied muscles, I needed support.
A few weeks later I started getting more tone/strength with TRX squat training but I knew it would take months to get better.
Again a few weeks later i add leg press and legs exten in my rehabilitation.
I start the cycle with
- EP Sustanon 250mg / week
- EP Nandrolone Decanoate 100mg first week followed by 125mg the rest of the cycle / week
- EP Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 50mg / week
- EP Proviron 25mg first week and up to 50mg daily the rest of the week (i stoped around 3 weeks from the cycle of 11 weeks)
- EP IGF-1 LR3 started at 50mcg > 75mcg and 100mcg
- EP Anastrozole started at 0,25mg/ day drop to EOD, 2x/ week and i finish with 1x week
No used the EP Oxymetholone 50mg i save this for the next winter if my liver are great.
The first week i feeling the effect of Sustanon (thanks short ester particulary propionate / phenylpropionate and isocaproate) on the mind / well-being , not easy to know if the vascularity come from the test or the other compound NPP for exemple.
Around 3/4 weeks i feeling the effect on memory / activity cognitive, more focused my skin become oily sometime little acne but not to much.
3 months ago my body weight are at 96kgs, today i'm between 94/95 depends the day, the muscles are more defined and i have gained more vascularity, the famouse "baby fat" has decreased a lot.
Nandrolone Decanoate used for joint / tendon worked very well, i feel the effect on the skin too (more hydrated more sweet) but .... when i stoped Proviron my libido has decreased significantly and i used only 100 and 125mg / week only.
Nandrolone PhenylPropioante, used in the past VET grade dosed 50MG/ml and i see zero difference between, NPP give a good effect during the workout, the muscle look full but without excessive water retention, i think the mix ND + NPP are a great combo.
Proviron, 25mg /day followed by 50mg / day my skin are more oily vs sustanon only, work great to fight the side effect of ND for the libido, but my transaminases have up a little bit so i stopped all oral stuff and taking only supplement for liver, i restart surely next winter.
IGF-1 LR3 no water retention, good feeling, the vascularity are more improved stacked with the other AAS, i injected on the stomach every time in sub-cutaneous + cardio i get awesome results on the famous and dirty "baby fat", the pump during workout are more improved too, i love this stuff ... but i noticed that my belly had swollen (bad side effect) and when i stoped all coming to normal (thanks god)
EP Anastrozol, i started with E2 at more 100, now i have around 20 (if my memorie are well, all blood work are in the end of the description) i lose all excessive water retention during the first week and i droped the dose because some pain coming in joints.
Good product but i try next time to run only inject and see if the injection impact my transaminases (sometime some solvant are bad for liver) and see how i react and depend the blood work i add oral like Proviron and again i see how i react.
EP Sustanon 250
EP Nandrolone D 250
EP Nandrolone PP 100
EP Proviron
EP Anastrozole
I'm on rehabilitation so for my goal therapy dosage they helped me a lot.
More energy, more vascularity / pump / motivation / focus / worked well on brain to treat symptoms of hypogonadism too (anxiety, depression, sleeping, appetit)
Great, sometime we need some day to get a answer, sometime i have a answer after a few hours.
Good communication clear.
All details about order and infos about shipping are well sending.
Delivery if my memorie are well need around 3/4 weeks for my location (international shipping)
The packing / products are VERY well protected lot attention on it, it's very rare.
Surely one of the best price ratio Quality-Price.
Thanks a lot PSL <3 and see you next winter if i'm always here <3
God bless you my friend !