Combine moderate and sensible use of PEDs (and even products from approved sources - such as PSL, NapsGear, UGFreak or Umbrella Labs - like GH boosting MK677) with a good diet, daily steps and gym work = you look younger than your peers. Throw in moderation with booze and zero smoking and
I'll use myself as an example by talking about my family background.
The male side of the family - Granddad, Dad and brothers - have all gone gray at 30 and white haired at 40. Except me. I'm the eldest of four brothers. One died aged 40 due to the previous wear and tear on his body from H. He'd stopped some time before but the damage had been done. The other more recent loss was alcohol based. Dad and Granddad passed at 60.
I've never smoked. Drinking wise it's in moderation. I might 'go for it' 1-2x a year (usually with one buddy and I gotta be in the mood - he's the same lol). If I went out with my then girlfriend we'd have a couple of beers max.
Of the males, inc the surviving brother (who had a mini-stroke a few years ago), I had the least gray hair and while I show SOME indications of age it's still the least.
I'm the only one who has had fitness in his life for 4+ decades.
At my local gym I'm among the strongest and there is a group of guys all 50+ who have been training as long,m if not longer, than I have. One, who has recently started benching with me again, is 76. He looks my age - 58 (59 in a week).
And we're just a few examples. You can find many here on our forums and in gyms all over the world where you'd never know that they are 10 or more years younger than you'd think. Stevesmi talks about so-called 'Blue Zones' where the lifespan of those living there is 10-20 years longer than the rest of the world. Most living there work physically (outside, fishing etc) so get exercise. They eat little and cleanly (so a diet). They stress less and so on. And a LOT are hitting 90
Overall YOU, our members, are MORE likely to age less than your hard drinking, smoking, stressed and dirty eating peers
Aging well
- Posts: 913
- Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:56 am
Aging well
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