Do you know your rows! Where are you at swoldiers?

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Do you know your rows! Where are you at swoldiers?

Post by Vision »

On of the most neglected topics thatis hardly ever talked about is back..

So do you know your row? Let's hear it, do you?

Let's talk about some routines you may have with your back.

Some years back I decided to revamp my back routine, not simply for the principle of "Change just to change", but rather incorporate something that works and been proven from the conformed monsters that brought us some of the best physiques to ever, like ever ever to step on stage

Honestly they are simply just what we could call a basic moments, yet unseen or recognized in the text books, and often only mentioned by word of mouth or a video..

Founded by Mr.Meadows are his infamous "LEVER" rows & other movements..

The one arm lever Bar row: (2 variations)

The 2 hand lever bar row: (I've used attachments also such as the neutral grip lat row/V bar, medium neutral grip lat bar

"Lats" but not least -

Trap bar row: (palms in with the design really helps you compress more and annihilate your lats the straight bar doesn't allow this)

The range of motion with these are GREAT..But take notice to his hip being propped, It's all about having the hip lower of the side you're working..

These can be absolutely brutal, and I've noticed an improvement over the past several week!



Does anyone add thee to their back routine?
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Re: Do you know your rows! Where are you at swoldiers?

Post by Phill »

not to brag, but my pt always tells me that my back is my strong point.
tight ass, broad shoulders, good attachment of the back, very broad lats (also seen from the front).

I love training back.
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