Does anyone actually wish that they started AAS later in life?

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Does anyone actually wish that they started AAS later in life?

Post by Jozifp103 »

You always hear people telling younger folks to wait until such-and-such age to begin using AAS. The "proper" age to wait until is generally agreed to be 25 years old. I know most of us who have been lifting seriously since we were teenagers probably didn't wait until 25. And if anyone has a chance of becoming a top-level pro then you pretty much have to start juicing in your teens like the rest of them did.

For those of you who started young-ish (pre-25), do you have any regrets about starting that early? Or do you wish you started even earlier?

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Re: Does anyone actually wish that they started AAS later in life?

Post by Vision »

1,000% I do wish I started later in life.
I messed myself up at such an early age and I was on trt by my late twenties.
I was already under the knife in my early twenties because of gear use.
What we thought was big back then is ridiculous, once in awhile when I gather with some old friends they will pull out a photo they had saved on their device of us back in the day and we look absolutely ridiculous.
What we would do to gain 25 or 30 lb.
We looked awful.. right now if any blast there is a 2 to 5 lb game I'm super stoked, and I sincerely focus on the type and quality of that gain.
Literally last week I ballooned up 18-20 lb in just under a week, that was the first time in a long time, it was 100% diet related I made adjustments and it was gone in a matter of 4 days. It was harder to gain back when we were younger but when we did gain it looked like shit, it's easier to gain now, and it's so much easier to make it look quality.
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Re: Does anyone actually wish that they started AAS later in life?

Post by Mobster »

i DID wait - aged 37
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Re: Does anyone actually wish that they started AAS later in life?

Post by HFO3 »

Absolutely, i started with no knowledge and its been a long learning curve...
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