Dosing HGH every other day to prevent tolerance/desensitization? Withdrawals???

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Dosing HGH every other day to prevent tolerance/desensitization? Withdrawals???

Post by Jozifp103 »

I just found this study that essentially shows that dosing HGH daily leads to tolerance build-up, desensitization, and loss of effectiveness over time.

Extremely short & simplified summary
2 groups of prepubertal children with idiopathic short stature were given 18iu of HGH per week for 2 years.

1 group received 2.57iu daily
1 group received 5.14iu EOD

Growth rates were similar in both groups during treatment, HOWEVER:
-The ED group had a withdrawal period after treatment lasting up to 18 months. Growth rates slowed so sub-normal, even lower than they were pre-treatment.
-The EOD group did not experience withdrawal and normal pre-treatment growth rates were observed immediately after treatment.

The odd thing is, the withdrawals and tolerance build-up observed in the ED group were not caused by suppressed pituitary function. GH secretion, IGF-1, and IGF-1 binding proteins all returned to normal in both groups post-treatment. So the tolerance must be at the target organ/GH receptor level.

See article ---> Prevention of Growth Deceleration after Withdrawal of Growth Hormone Therapy in Idiopathic Short Stature

Now I'm not a master in the scientific language so my interpretation may very well be off, but this is my take on it:

I don't think this study applies to fully grown adults and/or HGH's effectiveness on muscle growth.

Here's why...

This study is focused specifically on GH's effects on growth plates. Growth plates react to GH through their own specific mechanisms and pathways and this mechanism of action/reaction is different than other organs (i.e. muscle tissue). The article specifically explains how GH reacts with the growth plates and it's effects on chondroprogenitor cells, and then proceeds to explain how daily HGH administration could possibly exhaust these cells which could be the cause of the organ-specific tolerance and the withdrawal effect. Whereas EOD administration may give these cells enough of a break in between doses to prevent tolerance and withdrawal. Therefore tolerance build-up and the need for recovery after long term HGH use may only apply when it comes to its effects on growth plates and not so much on muscle growth, fat loss, anti-aging, etc. And if this tolerance build-up and withdrawal issue is ONLY a factor with growth plates then it would not be of concern to a fully developed person over 25ish whose growth plates have since fused.

If anyone else would like to read this article and let me know if my interpretation is correct that would be awesome.

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Re: Dosing HGH every other day to prevent tolerance/desensitization? Withdrawals???

Post by MONSTRO »

That´s why i prefer to use my hgh at higher dosages post workout 3 times week on weak body parts , I have much better results than using all day , The other days i use metformin to help insulin sensitivity .
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