Low test vs high test?

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Low test vs high test?

Post by MONSTRO »

In the modern era alot of experts like Tony Hughes came with information of low test with high anabolics is much better to grow with quality and less sides.

But do you believe the top pros use low test? and get so huge? is that possible?

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Re: Low test vs high test?

Post by Phill »

I don't know many of them, but those few pros with whom I was lucky enough to speak have brought me back both their experience and that of their colleagues.
all dosages range from a minimum of 3 to the most common 5-7 gr.
plus 15iu of HGH and insulin

this is what I heard with my ears.
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Re: Low test vs high test?

Post by MONSTRO »

Yes Phil , this i know , in the past i talk with some during Fibo we stay in same hotel and one mens physique very known use 2gr test plus anabolics ( Mens physique)

What i ask is if is mostly high test doses or more anabolics?

I think in such a high dosages like 5gr week , should be at least 2 gr test or more?

And yes hgh is 15ius over when magic happens :D
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Re: Low test vs high test?

Post by Vision »

This is simply one of those topics that a lot of gurus, and other AAS endorsers seem to always try to turn it into some type of new fad by over-analyzing things, with a very Stern and stead foot approach insisting and applying that it's this way or no way, when the reality is there simply just too many protocols and not all of them will work for everyone the same oh, this is not a one-size-fits-all way of life..

Now although it is not necessary to use higher dosages of test, and it is not unnecessary to do so either, although it is not something that is out of the norm and can in fact be quite common because it's something that has been implemented for decades upon decades by absolute legacies that have paved the way for where we are today..

Do you need to drink water every day to survive? No you do not need to, and it is something that is perfectly natural to do.. the same will apply with this question above we can break down all of the variables of why it could be necessary verse why it may the unnecessary..

This comes down to personal preference with individual response..
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Re: Low test vs high test?

Post by MONSTRO »

Yes for sure , but in my experience :

Low test to no test = best condition ever , paper skin , veins, but small and flat no muscle bellies

High Test= bigger , rounder, 3d , but puffier look , always a film water my skin

So the final results are completely different

You chose to be bigger and puffier ot smaller and shreded and sliced
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