What causes different side effects in different compounds?

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What causes different side effects in different compounds?

Post by Jozifp103 »


Molecular structure determines EVERYTHING when it comes to what receptors a molecule will attach to and what kind of effects it will exhibit.

The entire body works via signals and pathways. Everything your body does is influenced by hormones and neurotransmitters. Think of hormones and neurotransmitters as a key, and the receptors as a lock. Certain keys can only fit certain locks and that is due to their shape. That's why androgens only act on androgen receptors and not other receptors because their molecular structure (shape) only allows them to fit in the androgen receptor. Now all androgens will have the same base structure and this base structure will be the part of the key that fits into the receptor. Now on the other end of the molecule (key) there could be other atoms attached which changes the signal that the androgen delivers to the receptor.


A hormone molecule is nothing more than a signal. Think of a hormone as a radio wave, and the hormone receptor as a radio receiver or antenna on a remote control car and the remote control car is your body. The radio wave (hormone) travels to the antenna (hormone receptor) at a certain frequency or frequency range (molecular structure), and the antenna's receiver (hormone receptor) is designed to receive and react to those frequencies. Different frequencies tell it to do different things. A higher frequency could tell the remote control car to turn the wheels, while a higher frequency could tell it to accelerate.

So the hormone attaches to the hormone receptor where it delivers it's signal to tell the cell to perform a specific function. The type of signal it sends depends again on it's molecular structure. For example: An anabolic steroid hormone and Corticosteroid hormone both have the same base molecular steroid structure. However they act on the androgen receptors very differently. Anabolic steroids signal the receptor to build muscle, but corticosteroids actually signal the androgen receptor to break down muscle. Complete opposite signals given by two steroid molecules. However look at the subtle difference in the molecular structure from an anabolic steroid molecule and a corticosteroid molecule. A few extra hydrogen and oxygen atoms on the corticosteroid molecule completely change the signal it gives the receptor which completely changes it's properties.


Now the last concept we need to understand is AGONISTS vs ANTAGONISTS. These terms explain the interaction the molecule has with the receptor once it attaches.
Agonist - Attaches and activates the receptor
Antagonist - Attaches and blocks or disables the receptor (does not activate)

So not only does the molecular structure dictate what type of signal the molecule sends, it also dictates whether it sends any signal at all.

Your body has androgen receptors everywhere including the brain which has an effect on mood and behavior. Some steroids have an agonist affect on these receptors which activates them and influences changes in mood or behavior (think Tren). Other steroids may have an antagonist effect meaning they attach but do not send a signal and just sort of sit dormant for a bit. This is why some steroids may not affect your mood or behavior as much. This goes for any androgen receptor in the body.

Make sense?

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Re: What causes different side effects in different compounds?

Post by Vision »

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Re: What causes different side effects in different compounds?

Post by Vision »

I'll also add to this with some bonus material, as we talk about this topic and also about the usage of 1 particular ester yielding different results in users is a factor for some.. Or, others claiming one ester to be Superior to the next..
This is all individual based on ones static system of checks/loops, no two individuals are the same..
This is why people argue that cypionate is much more potent than enanthate, as this is a fragile argument at best and makes little sense, as your muscles/receptors are only recognizing free bio hormone no matter what the ester that was utilized to deploy the parenting hormone!

These are great questions and a worthwhile topic, as there's some real truth behind this;

Let's begin with the expression of a single hormones yielding an opposite effect - rather than a positive "smooth" response to the hormone as some individuals claim/experience.. An appropriate example to begin with would be that of an alcoholic...

Why? Because of Genetics, I'll explain!

Everyone posses different gene expression, with enzymes, protein bonds and so on..(Enzymes are known to catalyze more then 5k biochemical types)..Yet our bodies posses inhibitors and activator molecules that can greatly effect the activity, by increasing or decreasing hormonal actives.. Now, that of an alcoholic, it's a genetic predisposition (same applies for particular endocrines with sensitive users concerning AAS) in which one posses a group of particular enzymes that metabolize alcohol much differently compared to other individuals, thus the effects will be much greater, and more detrimental in some individuals over the next..(Different metabolization)

Now, let's compare this to the hormones!

(Example) Testosterone can have 3 roles
1) Being testosterone as it's primary function..
2) Converting into DHT (dihydrotestosterone: a more potent metabolite/androgen)..
3)Converting into estrogen

Here you see this effect differs greatly by individual instances, as genetics, age or even ethnicity (in some cases), or even sex may be a factor, whether one has a greater presence of aromatase enzymes, or even a deficiency.. Hormones/esters have various biosynthetic pathways occurring in the endorcrine,some either or before reaching their target tissue(to control plasma levels or active compounds),or at times after termination of their actions (inactivation and elimination)..However many of hormones and esters are metabolized within their target tissue, in which a complex interplay between activation and inactivation mechanisms serve to regulate the specificity and the amplitude of the hormonal response..

This is why "singular ester" hormone treatment is NOT designed as a one size fits all therapy...

Just an FYI: There's two main types of enzymes that act in the cleaving process of the ester in which activate the hormone...These 2 particular "Enzymes" are esterases & hydrolysate.. These come along and cleave pieces of the ester off the hormone, thereby releasing the active chemical (parenting steroid hormone) and allowing it to do its job (ultimately muscle building/tissue via protein synthesis, positive nitrogen balance and so on )...Now in the bloodstream which testosterone and blood born nutrients and substances circulate is recognized as the "medium". These enzymes circulate in the medium and directly affect the release of "active" hormone in the bloodstream by ester cleavage, thus exerting different expression per individuals, trigger a chute of cellular interaction at receptor sites that will differ from one to the next..
People need to remember that hormones are "chemical messengers" that rely messages to cells that display specific receptors for each hormone and respond to the signaling.. Depending on the ester and the individuals metabolization ratio the hormone can/may make changes directly to a cell, by changing the genes that are activated, or by making changes indirectly to a cell by stimulating other signaling pathways inside a specific cell group that is effected and effect other processes, thus this can "initiate" an intracellular cascade of events..

This is why the "same/singular hormone ester" effects people differently, because there's numerous ways a hormone can yield different effects..
So, depending on which transcription factors are present different genes will be transcribed in response...Thereby the reason some individuals tend to bloat and others do NOT, as some can run 250mgs of Test and begin to see signs of fluid retention or edema exert in the circular system, or particular regions of the body..
Yet, there's individuals that can utilize 1000mgs of Test and remain dry..
Of course diet permitting.. (but this article's about biosynthesis, and not diet)
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