Drinking Water and keeping hydrated during cardio raises gh levels

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Drinking Water and keeping hydrated during cardio raises gh levels

Post by Macedog24 »

Effect of hydration on exercise-induced growth hormone response
DESIGN: Growth hormone (GH) has demonstrated water-retaining effects in subjects at rest, whereas other research has indicated that GH may stimulate sweating. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fluid intake on the exercise-induced GH response. METHODS: Seven healthy male volunteers (age: 27.4+/-1.3 years, weight: 74.5+/-1.1 kg, height: 179.3+/-2.3 cm) performed a 40-min submaximal rectangular cycling exercise in two different sessions. The first session (Session 1) was performed without water intake, and the second (Session 2) involved the ingestion of spring water (four intakes) corresponding to the volume of water lost during the first session. RESULTS: In session 1, the water loss was 568+/-32 ml. In Session 2, the volume of water loss was not significantly different from the volume of fluid intake (524+/-16 versus 568+/-32 ml respectively). The decrease in plasma volume was significantly reduced in Session 2 (-6.69+/-1.59% versus -11.3+/-1.89%; P<0.05). In Session 1, the GH concentration was significantly lower than that during Session 2 after 25 min (3.04+/-1.05 versus 5.26+/-1.81; P<0.05) and after 40 min (13.7+/-3.55 versus 17.60+/-4.14 ng/ml; P<0.05) of exercise. The total GH response was significantly lower in Session 1 than in Session 2 (136.6+/-39.2 versus 202.4+/-58.9 ng/ml x min; P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the exercise-induced GH response decreases when exercise is performed without fluid intake.
This is a great read, please take a look at the full article below.
Full study below follow link
https://eje.bioscientifica.com/view/jou ... /4/445.xml

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Re: Drinking Water and keeping hydrated during cardio raises gh levels

Post by Macedog24 »

A few benefits when it comes to water and the human body!
Water makes up over 60% of the human body . Hydration is crucial for health and well-being.
Staying hydrated can reduce pain and inflammation especially in your joints and spine. Cartilage and disc of the spine contain about 80% water.. this water plays an important role in lubrication and shock absorption in our daily lives.
When dehydration occurs it can affect your brain function and motor skills, when prolonged dehydration occurs it can have dire consequences on your hormone balance and Neurotransmitters.
Dehydration is also known to cause digestive issues such as heartburn ulcers even constipation.
Staying hydrated is key for proper digestion and ridding the body of waste.
Your kidneys require and regulate fluid in the body. not keeping hydrated can often lead to kidney stones and other problems. Everyday the kidneys process about 130 quarts of fluid about 2 quarts are removed from the body as waste and the rest is recovered in the bloodstream. Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water is a simple way to reduce UTIs and kidney stones. So it is vital to keep hydrated.
When there is insufficient water in the body it can lead to an imbalance in the body's electrolytes such as (potassium, phosphate, sodium).
These electrolytes send signals between cells. when your kidneys are out of balance these signals can become mixed up resulting in involuntary muscle movements, seizures, unconsciousness, possibly even kidney disease or kidney failure.

Keeping well hydrated is important for healthy skin and healing. water also plays a major role in regulating your body temperature not getting enough water could be the difference in suffering from cramps, developing heat exhaustion, or developing heat stress or even a heat stroke.

Did you know that your blood is made up of about 85% water. this is crucial because you know the blood supplys the body with oxygen. lack of water and proper hydration can increase your blood pressure making your blood thicker and less fluid. As an athlete or bodybuilder we should take in at least 1-1.5 gallons of water on a daily basis.

As stated above in the OG article. Drinking water during exercise and staying hydrated during cardio will raise your GH levels. While becoming dehydrated during cardio or during strength training will reduce your performance and reduce your GH output.

Dehydration will raise cortisol and catabolic hormones while reducing anabolic hormones.
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