MONSTRO body detox 2024

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MONSTRO body detox 2024

Post by MONSTER »

Monstro Detox


*After a 12 weeks cycle you take 4 weeks to detox and do a Cruise phase

Test E 250/500mg week
HGH 2ius day fasted

*If you have fat to lose first 1 or 2 weeks use DNP 200mg day + 25mcg t3

DIET: Fish , Chicken Breast and broccolis , a lot lemon and apple cider vinegar

TRAINING: Deload , the goal here is to restore joints doing light weights higher reps and never to failure

Liver Detox:
Coline + Inositol + L Methionine + NAC
Dosage 3000mg/ 3gr each day .
I suggest buy in powder like I do and save a lot of money.
*Do that for 4 weeks and you not only will detox your liver but also cure fatty liver
Others: You have other good products to detox liver but not as affective or strong as the stack above.
*Milk Thistle / Silymarin
*Gluthatione ( Injectable is the best by far)

Kidneys Detox:
Is not easy to find something to detox kidneys , basic rules is drink a lot of water, control your blood pressure with ACE inhibitors like Enalapril, beta blockers like Telmisartan and also control blood sugar with Metformin . Reduce amount of protein used per day.
*Drink alot of water
*Telmisartan ( Blood Pressure)
*Enalapril (Blood Pressure)
*Metformin ( Control Blood Sugar )

*Red Yeast Rice
*Cardarine ( But toxic to liver )
*Omega 3
*Healthy fat´s like Olive Oil , Nuts

Blood Pressure:
*Ace Inhibitor : Enalapril
*Beta Blocker: Telmisartan

Digestive Track:

*Multivitamin / Mineral
*Vitamin C
*Omega 3

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Re: MONSTRO body detox 2024

Post by Mobster »

No such thing as a detox per say. But what this does look like is a way of healing those organs - still a positive
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Re: MONSTRO body detox 2024

Post by MONSTER »

Mobster wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:35 am No such thing as a detox per say. But what this does look like is a way of healing those organs - still a positive
Tell yes or no is easy , just explain and show us what is a detox? we are all here to learn with the best ones and since you have huge knowledge help us ?
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Re: MONSTRO body detox 2024

Post by Mobster »

MONSTER wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 11:35 pm
Mobster wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:35 am No such thing as a detox per say. But what this does look like is a way of healing those organs - still a positive
Tell yes or no is easy , just explain and show us what is a detox? we are all here to learn with the best ones and since you have huge knowledge help us ?
To be clear and as said in my earlier reply - what you have above is arguably a healing protocol. We've discussed organ protection on multiple threads and podcasts.

But detox is a big misnomer. Lots of companies, for example, claim to sell 'detox' drinks and still others (scammers) sell 'detox pads for your feet'. They claim that said pads 'draw the toxins out'. When all that has happened is you sweated.

Now we sweat to cool down etc but also to rid our body of some toxins. The same when we cough, piss and shit. We even puke toxins up. All quite normal and natural.

Your protocol above is to ensure good health and healing of the very organs which filter the crap out. And what toxins are we referring too? What is meant here is the damage we may have done by using PEDs like steroids. So, as you yourself suggest, any healthy food which BOOSTS our health is good. Anything, again as you suggest, which improves those very organs which do the filtering in their normal activity is good. But do they purge the body? Or actually remove toxins - no.

Example: you and I get drunk. We drink 10 pints of beer. Maybe we feel sick. No1 is to puke it up. Literally the body ridding itself of the excessive alcohol. It comes out when we breath. We will wanna piss more. Heck we'll sweat it out. If we ended up in hospital they'd pump our stomachs (works the same as puking) and maybe put us on a drip as we might be dehydrated (all that sweat, piss and puking). But nothing they can do, even a blood transfusion, detoxifies us. the best way to not get toxic is to not get drunk. The best way to recover is to wait and hydrate. No herbs, pills or foot pads.

The No1 best way to detox after a steroid cycle is time off, good healthy and varied nutrition, rest and recovery (you also suggest this) plus healing (as per your protocol above or N2Guard etc). There are no products, herbs etc, which remove steroid metabolites. If any existed that were truly effective we'd see them used in those with liver, kidney and even heart and brain conditions. Ditto those with recreational drug issues. Some of those (rec drugs) medications purge the drug but do not 'cleanse' or undo the damage.

It might be semantics. I'd say a 'healing stack' vs a detox. If I'm wrong feel free to explain why for the benefit of members and myself. It can only help us all.

I'll add, as I did elsewhere, Monstro is a hard working professional and additionally, I'm happy to see his posts here showing that he is willing to look after his and our health
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Re: MONSTRO body detox 2024

Post by MONSTER »

I use this protocol that i post here and i can prove with blood test this works cure my fatty liver disease and also improve alot my celiac disease , of course eating super clean and be fasted for 14 hours per day. I have fatty liver from genetics my mother has it to but also from abusing orals during my life. Like many guys in beginiing i start doing only oral cycles because affraid of needles .
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