Sodium pre, intra and post workout is a must?

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Sodium pre, intra and post workout is a must?

Post by MONSTRO »

I beggin all my workouts full, but during workout i sweat alot and lose all the pump and fullness even using dextrose , glutamine, creatine intra .

Is that lack of sodium?

I never have my muscles hard as a rock like some athletes.

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Re: Sodium pre, intra and post workout is a must?

Post by Yankindeez »

It's hard to say what it is. You could definitely try taking a teaspoon of salt before your workout and seeing if you notice a difference, but there are several factors. Are you in a calorie deficit?
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Re: Sodium pre, intra and post workout is a must?

Post by Phill »

your body eliminates excess sodium by dissolving it in the water and eliminating it

the more sodium you take, the more water you have to eliminate.

if you take sodium, you sweat more.

conversely, if you don't take sodium, your body releases aldosterone, which retains water to extract sodium.
so obviously you will have water retention due to an excess of aldosterone.
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Re: Sodium pre, intra and post workout is a must?

Post by MONSTRO »

Im off season eating to much , i think is just eletrolites like sodium, because when i train to compete ant take tren ace i suffer alot of strange cramps ( muscle contract and stay causing huge pain ) when i sweat alot i got supper flat and depleted .
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