Hey guys (and gals)
I'm 38 and I've been on and off these forms for the last 15 years or so. I'm happy to be here and learn from other people and gather information as usual to better myself and others around me!
I was heavy into the scene in my early twenties and did my share of AAS...then went off of everything until approximately I was 33. Long story short , I ended up getting w a good doc and needed to get on a TRT regimine.
From time to time out run a cycle or two during the year and come completely off. And then go back on my trt regimen. These days I try to stay healthy and do things the right way, unlike ignoring my symptoms back in my early twenties. It's nice to be a little bit older and do things smarter. Of course I have a lot more knowledge of the subject matter and training and dieting xcetera these days as well.
Thanks and stay healthy!