Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

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Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

Post by DueDiligence »

Greetings all -

I've been learning as much as I can (aka lurking) for pretty much the entire pandemic, and am excited to announce that I will soon be getting my first beginner's order! The reason being was that, to my dismay, I was way too overweight to start any sort of gear. I didn't know that until I lurked and did more research, and reluctantly listened to not use gear to lose the weight. I'm 6' tall and maxed out at 318-lbs when I was 42 years old. I'm now 44 and down to 187-lbs thanks to Keto, strict fasting, single meal eating window of 2 hours where I take all of my supplements as well. I take a lot of OTC supplements for regeneration and longevity, for better or worse. We don't have all day for me to list them, but things like Resveratrol, NMN, Sulforaphane (yup, grow my own broccoli sprouts), stuff for prostate health, brain health, natural test boosters, blah blah blah, do a lot of sauna, etc.

The point of me mentioning all of this is to say that I think I'm doing what I can in all departments (okay, except sleep), and felt that I was ready to take matters more into my own hands in terms of hormone management. I "suffer" from all of the signs of low T if I self-diagnose, naturally, but bloodwork has shown that I fall in the 40-60th percentile in Total T, Free T, and SHBG so my PCP sees no need for me to pursue any sort of TRT especially considering the weight I've lost and the better health stats that have come with all that.

Would like to try to put on some muscle, but maintain Keto, and fill out a bit of loose skin from shedding all that weight. Really more interested in getting stronger, but its been way harder than it used to be to even maintain strength in certain areas. Anyhow, I already have a couple of newbie questions that I'll be posting in the appropriate threads. Thanks in advance to any assistance any of you might be able to offer! :-bd

- Jay

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Re: Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

Post by samgraves82 »

That's awesome man!! Congrats and gokd luck
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Re: Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

Post by MONSTRO »

Welcome brother , here you have all the good information you need . Yes if we do wright this sport make us love younger and better than all the people of our age . HGH + Test make a old man be a sexy young boy again
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Re: Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

Post by bigpetefox »

Welcome to the party, fellow mid-40s guy! :-bd
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Re: Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

Post by Phill »

Welcome bro
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Re: Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

Post by DarrenW29 »

Welcome 💪
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Re: Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

Post by DueDiligence »

Appreciate the welcome, all. Thanks for all of your contributions on these boards. :-bd
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Re: Newbie member but long time listener - male, mid 40's, but look mid 30's

Post by A.font817 »

Welcome to the forum bro! Always happy to have more members! Feel free to reach out if you need anything
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