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Uncle Z Flash Sale

Post by Push50 »


1 x Clenbuterox (Clenbuterol) - 40mcg/tab, 100 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies
1 x Salbutamolex (Salbutamol) - 4mg/tab, 100 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies


Clenbuterol (Clen)
History: Used medially as a bronchodilator and decongestant, Clen is sometimes prescribed to those with asthma as breathing aide.
Method of Administration: Clen is administered in oral form.
Drug Class: Beta 2 agonist.
Primary Use: Clenbuterol has only one primary use in the BB’ing community…fat loss. While it has been purported by some to build muscle, any anabolism associated with this drug is mild, making it ill-suited for this purpose. However, what clen lacks in the muscle building department, it more than makes up for it with its potent thermogenic effect. To this end, Clen is best employed as a pre-contest agent or at any other time rapid fat loss is desired. Over the last decade, it has become a popular practice to use Clen in-between cycles as a form of post-cycle therapy, with the intention of sparing muscle tissue and minimizing bodyfat gain at a time when one’s hormonal environment is generally sub-par. While there is some merit to this practice, one must consider whether this application is ideal for their circumstances. Those who choose to implement Clen into their program need to utilize discretion, as indiscriminate use can lead to overdose. Still, when used responsibly, clen is a relatively safe & effective fat loss drug, which is useful in helping to shed that last layer of stubborn bodyfat; revealing razor-sharp muscularity in the process.
Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: N/A.
Aromatizable: No.
Progestagenic Activity: No.
Methylated: Mo.
Standard Dosing Range and Cycle Length: Clenbuterol is most commonly dosed at 40-120 mcg per day for a period of 2-8 weeks, although it is wise to start off at 20-30 mcg per day in order to assess tolerance. If one chooses to utilize this drug for more then 2-3 weeks consecutively, it must be used in combination with a drug such as Ketotifin, in order to prevent down-regulation of beta 2 receptors.
Frequency of Administration: Daily use; administered in a single daily dose.
What is Albuterol – Salbutamol?
Salbutamol (Albuterol Sulfate) is a bronchodilator which is very similar to Clenbuterol Hydrochloride – both medications are found to be very helpful in the world of bodybuilding for weight loss purposes. Officially, Salbutamol is classified as a beta 2 adrenergic agonist and is most often (officially) used as an asthmatic medication.
This product is on the World Health Organization (WHO) list of essential medicines, and this means that this product is considered to be one of the most important drugs in the health system.
Salbutamol (Albuterol Sulfate) Half Life | Detection Time | Duration of Action
Salbutamol has an elimination half-life anywhere between 4 to 6 hours with approximately the same duration of action (or even less – from 2 to maximum 6 hours). But due to its short half-life – the detection time of salbutamol is very short – 24 hours.


What is Salbutamol (Albuterol) Used For?
How it was mentioned – the main function of salbutamol (albuterol sulfate) is to treat bronchospasms which can be caused by allergies, by COPD, asthma or exercise induced. There are also other uses such as cystic fibrosis, hyperkalemia (potassium in blood) and others.
Nonetheless, in the world of bodybuilding and in performance enhancement settings, it is used as an off label product as a weight loss product – as a thermogenic. So, this drug is used as a supplement during the steroid cycles for getting fat loss properties and therefore getting muscle definition.
How Does Salbutamol Work? | What Does Albuterol Do?
Salbutamol (albuterol) is a beta 2 adrenergic agonist and this means that it causes vasodilation (pumps and increased blood flow). Plus to this, the product is reducing stored fat by stimulating the break down of the fatty acids into the blood stream.
It is important to know that when used – salbutamol is stimulating beta 2 receptors and that is going to boost energy expenditure and would free up the body fat to be used as fuel – albuterol also can be considered as an anti-catabolic (muscle loss) product too. Anyway, this effect isn’t very appreciated for anabolic steroid users since they don’t need anti catabolic effects.
The product is increasing the heart rate and with, albuterol can be helpful for some athletes, but it might not be a good choice for such sportsmen as runners. Besides increasing heartbeat rate, this drug increases the body temperature as well as basal metabolic rate. Plus, to this, it has an effect of decreasing your appetite. All stimulants tend to cause your appetite to decrease, but albuterol is known to do is very well.
How to Use Salbutamol (Albuterol Sulfate)? | Salbutamol Dosage | Albuterol Administration / Cycle
Most often, adults are resorting to tablets taken 3 to 4 times a day anywhere between 2 to 4 mg. By using any other method (IV, inhalation, syrup or whatever other) use it as needed or prescribed.
However, when this stuff is used as a performance and physique enhancer – bodybuilders prefer to use 4 mgs of Salbutamol 3 times a day (12 mg in total) in the form of tablet. This is considered to be a “normal” dosage for achieving proper effects without any harsh side effects.
While using this product is extremely important to drink a lot of water and I personally recommend to eat at least some food. Cycles are varying a lot depending on the needs. Nonetheless, the most common cycle is 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off – that’s done in an attempt to keep it functional.
Salbutamol – Albuterol Side Effects
It is very important to understand one thing – the side effects of salbutamol (albuterol sulfate) are very close related to the dosage. This means that the higher the dosage used – the more side effects and the more pronounced side effects are getting. The most pronounced and most common side effects are heart related issues as well as insomnia, however by lowering the dosage and not abusing this drug – the side effects would go away.
Anyway, some other side effects are including: tremors, hand shaking, anxiety, heart palpitations, flushing, sleep and behavior issues, muscle cramps, excessive sweating, headaches and others.

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