not great at making intros - male - 37 found this site when reading about hrt/trt
I have many questions maybe people can help me here - i will read more too.
no cycles in years - i think i have low <T
i may go back on cycle - maybe i may do T shoots like trt. not sure yet - all help is welcomed
i have blood work soon for my annual
criticism welcomed

last blood test completed T is low 347 ng/dl LH and FSH has been on lower end too
estrogen was sort of high and prolactin was high out of range
my doctor she said I am in range, I trust her and her partner but they are funny with some medications
her partner mentions HCG treatment but the goal is not to have more children here
libido is ok at times not great just ok
anxiety is bad and mood swings i feel off no smoking or drink ever just to add