Learn how to hijack your Test levels and make each dosages work best for you!

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Learn how to hijack your Test levels and make each dosages work best for you!

Post by Vision »

Testosterone replacement therapy is as much an art as it is a science, it's an art of innovation.
Through the treatments and protocols of Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) one should be given based on symptoms instead of blood values, although blood values speak volumes. Targeting symptoms with low bloods is more ideal.
If you have lack of energy gain fat easily, have trouble putting on muscle lack of appetite, have a low libido, and suffer from depression,or antisocial behaviors you may need TRT.

Especially if you feel this after a cycle/blast with a so-called successful "PCT"..
Some benefits with this TRT stack may come rather quickly, such as increased libido as this may/can improve within weeks,
as can depression, loss of body fat and an increase in muscle and a overall sense of well being returns like you were 18 years old once again.

Here's my recent bloods on 200mg Pharma script Test Cyp WITH MAST AND PROVIRON!
I had blood work that was expected to be pulled from my Doc, he actually forgot and I had to remind him, it worked out well because I wanted to come off for a bit and do a little small cruise (6 weeks'ish) and give my CNS a moment to recoup as well as giving my REC's a brake..

I figured this would also be a great opportunity to take advantage of Masteron and Proviron used in conjunction with my TRT.. For the following reasons to keep libido strong, depression at a low at the same time optimizing the most out of my TRT dosage..

The addition with Proviron & Masteron is that it's a useful tool for the TRT user and specifically for those that cruise on low "T" doses who wish to inhibit the conversion of T to estrogen. By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron would be in effect blocking the conversion of free testosterone to estrogen by the aromatisation pathway Yielding great levels of Free usable test. This would not only serve to marginally increase the amounts of active free testosterone in circulation (thus giving a greater effect of the testosterone during a TRT treatment or cruise).. With this said, I was just using 200mgs Script test-cyp E7D (with script adex .5 E3D) and Masteron-200 E7D and proviron at 50mg ED this ultimately created a match made in heaven, a complimentary duo!

Bloods were pulled 3 days after last pin and I was fasted and the panel was a sensitive essay (I wanted to see if my BS levels would effect estrogen total serum by way of estrone elevation due to fasting).. I have BS issues along with a family history of diabetes, the serum levels were extremely high and I doubt there was cross-reactivity of anything else due to the fact that E2 was low.. Being in a fasted state seems to be the culprit..

Further more, people tend to put blood serum numbers in a standard range of expectancy.. I've always advocated that I'm a slow/low metabolizer, even at 200mg which is the high end of TRT treatment and I barely scraped the high end.. It proves that this truly is NOT a one size fits all..

My closing comments : Libido was great, appetite was strong and I have no complaints, my sense of well-being was on point..The extreme low SHBG levels IMO are directly associated with the mast/prov, thus the result of low estro and higher free T..This can explain why I continued to feel great even after lowering my T dosage significantly..

I will continually use Mast and/or Proviron with every cruise I do!

Outstanding products...
Pasy attention because there's an Easter egg here that's hidden well inside of all of this, it is something I don't want people to miss.

Truly. this goes to prove that you really don't need much testosterone. I've often grown tired trying to explain to people to stop chasing a total serum number, they're expecting numbers in or around the 3k + range and they believe that this is where you need to be in order to make the most progress..(This is false) I will say this again, stop chasing total serums and focus on free test levels. You can have 3000 of bound test and that doesn't mean anything, in fact that testosterone is useless most of the time..

People should incorporate compounds that are complementary with freeing up bound testosterone into more bioavailable testosterone..

Where am I getting at here? Free up your test levels and let all of the other compounds be the workhorse.. Hi-jack your testosterone..

Knowing how to optimize your testosterone levels in pivotal by making your levels work best for YOU..
Remember, it is not quantity but rather quality..
I would rather have several hundred work horses, compared to 3000 useless horses..

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Re: Learn how to hijack your Test levels and make each dosages work best for you!

Post by Macedog24 »

Do u believe dosing your test and mast together every 3 days would better help keeping your blood levels stable by avoiding the peaks and so call pitfalls.?
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Re: Learn how to hijack your Test levels and make each dosages work best for you!

Post by Doc »

Getting labs done monday test and free test. For a baseline. Doing test c 200mg a week for 12weeks. Then check levels again. I have low T anyway and doc use to have me on 200mg of test 2 every 2 weeks. I am thinking of adding provolin into the mix as well. Thoughts on provolin and test c only.

Depending on my labs in 12 weeks i will probably do 100mg of test c as a maintenance dose in between cycles.

I am looking for gainz but this bei g my first cycle i wanted to keep it simple.
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Re: Learn how to hijack your Test levels and make each dosages work best for you!

Post by Vision »

Doc wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:16 pm Getting labs done monday test and free test. For a baseline. Doing test c 200mg a week for 12weeks. Then check levels again. I have low T anyway and doc use to have me on 200mg of test 2 every 2 weeks. I am thinking of adding provolin into the mix as well. Thoughts on provolin and test c only.

Depending on my labs in 12 weeks i will probably do 100mg of test c as a maintenance dose in between cycles.

I am looking for gainz but this bei g my first cycle i wanted to keep it simple.
How did you make out on these bloods??
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Re: Learn how to hijack your Test levels and make each dosages work best for you!

Post by Doc »

Had a set back.. cx labs for now. I will post after i get them Done.
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Re: Learn how to hijack your Test levels and make each dosages work best for you!

Post by Vision »

Doc wrote: Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:42 am Had a set back.. cx labs for now. I will post after i get them Done.
did you ever get your lab work done?
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