Trenbolone, commonly referred to as ‘Tren’ is one of the most powerful and effective anabolic steroids to ever exist. Tren is without question one of the most versatile anabolic steroids as it can be used for almost any purpose of performance enhancement. It’s commonly said that Testosterone is the most versatile anabolic steroid and that’s a hard point to argue against, but when it comes to the numerous performance-based benefits Tren is undoubtedly king.
Since its creation in the 1960’s , Tren has been found in three distinct forms and has been found in all three categories of anabolic steroid, Human Grade, Underground and Veterinarian grade. The three forms of Tren that have existed include:
The original form of Tren, Tren Ace, remains the most popular and abundantly available. This form of Tren was originally sold under the names Finaject and Finajet. Tren-a has always been a veterinarian grade steroid, and soon after its creation would lead way to the first and only human grade form of Tren Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate better known as Parabolan. Manufactured by Negma Laboratories in France. Tren Hex, Parabolan, was found to be highly effective in the treatment of numerous medical conditions and remained effectively used in medicine until 1997 when Negma discontinued production.
While Parabolan is the only form of human grade Tren ever made, it along with Tren-a became enormously popular among competitive bodybuilders in the 70’s and 80’s but hit a slight bump in the road in the late 1980’s.
Hoechst-Roussel discontinued its Trenbolone Acetate in the late 80’s, making Parabolan the only form available for a short period and one that was very expensive and a little harder for the athlete to get his hands on. It was during this time that Hoechst-Roussel introduced Finaplix pellets and it wasn’t long before many athletes learned how to convert the pellets into an injectable Tren form. Most UGL’s today can produce all 3 variations of the Trenbolone Hormone. But it was not until the early 2000’s the UGL British Dragon would introduce Trenbolone Enanthate, a form of Tren that only had to be injected twice a week compared to Tren-a’s necessary every other day administration. With all three varieties of Tren available, Tren Ace still appears to be the dominate choice.
Trenbolone enanthate is one of the most well-known, respected, and popular AAS used in BB’ing today. This is not without good reason, as Trenbolone occupies a unique place in the steroid world. While most potent mass-building AAS tend to result in significant water retention, Trenbolone breaks the mold by providing the user with the best of both worlds; a steroid which not only causes substantial muscle growth, but also increases hardness, density, vascularity, and dryness at the same time. It is well known as one of the best strength enhancers available, with many strength athletes considering it an indispensable part of their program.
As a recomp drug, it doesn’t get any better, as Trenbolone’s proven nutrient repartitioning capabilities have catapulted it to the top of the multi-billion dollar meat industry. In terms of fat loss, again, Trenbolone has no equal, ranking at the very top of the list.
As effective as Trenbolone is from a physical standpoint, its effect on the user’s psyche are just as pronounced. One of the main steroids responsible for coining the term “roid rage”, its ability to increase aggression/assertiveness and the alpha-male mind-set are almost unparalleled, being equaled only by Halotestin. This steroid pairs well with nearly all AAS and can be put to good use in both the off-season and pre-contest.