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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Finally over my presickness weight. Hit 237 today which is a new high for this off season. I've been this heavy before but never with abs. Got 2 good consistent weeks of training in and everything is rolling for this next phase in my blast cycle. I'm currently running 1000 mg Test E, 400 mg DHB, Masteron 400 mg & 500 mg total per week.
I was discussing what labs to get with my coach and he didn't say testosterone level. So I asked and he told me not to but it. He told me things are rolling in a positive direction and he has no doubt my gear is legit so the level doesn't matter. If a coach of over 30 yrs calls your source legit then there is no second guessing PSL is good to go.

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Re: PSL Log

Post by RoidRage69 »

What are you taking for your E2 levels? Are you just letting the Masteron do its job in that regard?

Are you taking any HGH or IGF-1?
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

It’s been a couple weeks since my last check in and I have some updates. I completed some blood work which you can find in the picture attached. Surprisingly being on such a high dosage my estrogen came back in range with no AI in use. My EGFR came back on the low end of the range. After looking at some past results a couple years ago it was low as well. So I now have two more blood tests. I will get one called Cystatin – C which will give a more accurate picture of why EGFR might be low and I’m doing an advanced lipid panel since I haven’t done one of those in a couple years as well. I am still on a blast cycle and will be getting these tests done to see what really is going on in my body when on high gear. These are just to look deeper into results that seemed off. My coach gave me the option to ignore them if I wanted to but advised that it's better to have the full picture and know for sure. I love bodybuilding but I have a family and if I need to change some things, I’d rather know that early when things can be fixed versus learning it too late.
I was also running out of DHB so I reached out to PSL. The first order came from overseas, and something went wrong because this package was never delivered. However, being the great source, they are I let them know about it and they had the order reshipped domestically and I received it in like 3 days. I didn’t even have to miss a shot.
Lastly, things have been moving at an ok pace. I just finished some of my busiest times at work, so I know I was not giving BB my 100% focus during that time. I still need to work on getting all of my meals in, eliminating junk food and sleeping more. In the gym the light switch goes on. I can continually push, and I can see in my logbook progress is being made. I just need to get as good with the out of gym stuff as I am with the in the gym stuff.

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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

RoidRage69 wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:29 pm What are you taking for your E2 levels? Are you just letting the Masteron do its job in that regard?

Are you taking any HGH or IGF-1?
I don't take anything for E2. I've been off all AIs for over a year.

I do not take hgh or igf. All I use is PSL gear.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Sorry for the long time in between posts things have been hectic in life. Just want to touch on a couple points then do a more detailed post next week. I got all of my blood test back and no issues with my kidneys. As long as I properly hydrate my EGFR is in a great range.

I'm currently in a trt cruise mode as I'm getting everything back to normal for my annual check up and some more bloodwork after a heavy cycle. If everything comes back good I'll bump up the gear to have a higher cruise. Currently I'm on 160 test cyp & 50 masteron per week. After bloodwork I'd like to move it up to 300 test & 100 masteron per week. If everything comes back good i may also plan on competing in 2025.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Not going to give an excuse I've been slacking on logging. Things have been pretty boring which I guess is a good thing. No news is good news right?

I'm on my 9th week of trt, which is 180 mg test weekly. I'm still hovering in the 230's and strength has maintained. Most exercises go up a small amount every 6 week training cycle. I feel that's good that I can keep the poundages the same and add 2.5-5 lbs every 6 weeks when my hormones are essentially normal. Pecs however are the outlier, after my 2nd exercise my pec fatigue causes the last exercise to lose some strength that seems to stay when running higher dosages. I have some blood work coming up, if everything looks good I'll plan on stepping on the gas more and go for a 2nd blast cycle soon. The goal is still to get to 250's with my current leanness in 2024.

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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Just a quick update. With the holiday and a deload this week the last 2 weeks have been ok. My weight jumped up one I increased the dosage a bit and my stamina on pec exercises also went up slightly. I'm currently running 300 mg test and 100 mg Masteron weekly from PSL. For now this dosage will remain consistent till I can figure out when I might compete next and if I have time for another bulk before prep. The goal right now is to grow on a moderate dosage and use food to add whatever I can. I believe I can do that while also enjoying summer and family time. Bodybuilding is important to me but so is having a life outside the gym.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Right now is definitely not the most exciting part of bodybuilding for anyone following my log. However I feel that now is the crucial time to still make improvements. Almost anyone with a decent work ethic and consistency can make gains while on high dosages. When you come off those amounts what happens to your strength, what happens to the new muscle you put on. I feel if you can keep a majority of your strength gains from a high cycle while being on trt you are setting yourself up for the best platform to explode upward again on the next cycle. I've consistently been able to keep weights the same even while coming down. Now I may not get the same volume while lower I can at least start where I left off. So I'm still grinding on 300 mg test & 100 mg Masteron weekly. My strength is going up much slower but its still trending upwards. I even asked coach if we could move anything up and still consider it trt/cruise. He said no we are pretty much at the limit for that. Currently the plan is to take the next 6-8 weeks to lean out some, try to lose 5-10 lbs of fat only then go into a new high dose cycle. So I'll be reaching out to PSL soon to see about getting supplies from the best gear vendor out there. Results speak for themselves and even at 38 years old this has been one of my best off seasons ever, looking forward to doing more.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by RoidRage69 »

I love the way you are going about this. I completely agree with you on your approach to gear use and training. Anyone can grow on large doses. Its what happens when your off that matter the most. If your still gaining strength then just keep doing what your doing and the blast cycle will be amazing. I am a firm believer in using the smallest dose possible for gains. Most people lose half their gains when they come off. I am lucky to keep all the gains and continue to gain when I come off. Its because I use low doses. Your the same and I really cant wait to see how you do in the following years ahead. I wish you would post up workouts with poundages so we can see your progress though.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Personal life has been hectic recently. Had car troubles of my own and my wife's car as well as some family events. Haven't been the best bodybuilding lifestyle recently but I've been making it work. Currently down 5 lbs over the last 2 weeks of cutting. Haven't done anything drastic, made a better effort to get morning cardio in and cut out some of the snacking and I'm tightening up. Now I need get back track in the kitchen and the next 5 should come off in the next 2-4 weeks then I should be ready for a blast cycle where I try to push the weight higher while still stay lean.

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