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Post by Marvel3203 »

Hello all, I'm starting a log for the PSL products I use. I recently had blood work done as well. Attached our my latest blood test numbers. Since the pandemic shut gyms down I decided to go to the lowest dose I've ever used. I ran 150 mg of PSL test e weekly for 12 weeks. I also took 20 mg of PSL tamoxifen 3 times a week.

So I've concluded I need to increase tamoxifen or switch to a stronger AI even on HRT since my estradiol is 79.5 and above the normal range. Testosterone total is 861 which is at the top range for normal which is exactly where I wanted to be and more proof PSL sells quality and accurately dosed gear. Everything else was within range or very close. I'm happy with this off time and now I've jumped up to 300 mg test e weekly and plan to increase as I want to get better conditioning then decide the plan for bulking and starting another comeback prep.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Received another touchdown from PSL. I've decided to up my dosage a bit. I'm leaving room to move up or down and only using testosterone. Currently I'm taking 400 mg weekly. I pin twice a week with each shot being 150 mg test e and 50 mg test prop. I stole this idea from Ken Hill. The theory is that the test prop helps with intial test increase and the test e creates a gradual incline in blood levels behind it. The current plan is to get below 240 then make a decision about what's next. I finally dropped some weight this last week. I dropped 2.6 lbs with 4 days of morning cardio and 4 days of lifting. Strength is definitely going up. I feel I'm deconditioned enough that I can drop body fat while getting stronger and maybe even add a little muscle. I know I'm not a genetic freak but with going so low on HRT and weeks of no hard training should generate some rebound effect with my current plan. I'd love to get to 5 days training but currently with my infant daughter that probably isn't a possibility for now. However going to push as hard as possible those 4 days.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Phill »

what are you taking as ai?

I like arimidex to control estro.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Currently I'm on Arimidex twice a week (24 hours after injection).
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Things have been going well, I'm down to 247 lbs. I'm thinking now though I'll probably have to be in the mid 230s or lower to have the right leanness to start adding some muscle. Of course that could change. Currently I'm consistently training 4 days a week and 4 morning cardio sessions a week as well. Hitting PRs on certain exercises while getting back to some of the same poundages from pre injury. As I expected learning to train my chest is the biggest hurdle currently. Each week I get a little more secure in what it can handle. Currently still running 400 mg of test a week. I don't see any need to increase till either fat loss stalls, strength stalls or it's time to try to add muscle more aggressively.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Vision »

Marvel3203 wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:05 pm Things have been going well, I'm down to 247 lbs. I'm thinking now though I'll probably have to be in the mid 230s or lower to have the right leanness to start adding some muscle. Of course that could change. Currently I'm consistently training 4 days a week and 4 morning cardio sessions a week as well. Hitting PRs on certain exercises while getting back to some of the same poundages from pre injury. As I expected learning to train my chest is the biggest hurdle currently. Each week I get a little more secure in what it can handle. Currently still running 400 mg of test a week. I don't see any need to increase till either fat loss stalls, strength stalls or it's time to try to add muscle more aggressively.
How are you feeling at 400mg, do you feel confident and alpha, hows your sense of well being? I like your modest approach..
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Not much to update. Things are moving slowly. I'm down to 247 but I'm thinking I'll need to be mid 230s before I can even think about trying to add muscle. Lifting numbers are still going up and I hit a new PR this week on the Magnum plate row. However I know while in a deficit I'm not adding muscle. I can definitely see more striations in my shoulders and legs. I'm also get more veins popping out so beyond just body weight I'm getting other signs that I'm making progress. I did bump up this week to 500 mg total of PSL testosterone. Currently doing 4 days of morning cardio and 4 days of lifting with cardio after.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Marvel3203 »

Vision wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:15 pm
Marvel3203 wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:05 pm Things have been going well, I'm down to 247 lbs. I'm thinking now though I'll probably have to be in the mid 230s or lower to have the right leanness to start adding some muscle. Of course that could change. Currently I'm consistently training 4 days a week and 4 morning cardio sessions a week as well. Hitting PRs on certain exercises while getting back to some of the same poundages from pre injury. As I expected learning to train my chest is the biggest hurdle currently. Each week I get a little more secure in what it can handle. Currently still running 400 mg of test a week. I don't see any need to increase till either fat loss stalls, strength stalls or it's time to try to add muscle more aggressively.
How are you feeling at 400mg, do you feel confident and alpha, hows your sense of well being? I like your modest approach..
It was working well but I decided to get a little greedy and bump up. To be honest I still felt good on my trt but if gyms had been open I'm sure my recovery would have suffered.
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Re: PSL Log

Post by Vision »

Marvel3203 wrote: Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:34 pm
Vision wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:15 pm
Marvel3203 wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:05 pm Things have been going well, I'm down to 247 lbs. I'm thinking now though I'll probably have to be in the mid 230s or lower to have the right leanness to start adding some muscle. Of course that could change. Currently I'm consistently training 4 days a week and 4 morning cardio sessions a week as well. Hitting PRs on certain exercises while getting back to some of the same poundages from pre injury. As I expected learning to train my chest is the biggest hurdle currently. Each week I get a little more secure in what it can handle. Currently still running 400 mg of test a week. I don't see any need to increase till either fat loss stalls, strength stalls or it's time to try to add muscle more aggressively.
How are you feeling at 400mg, do you feel confident and alpha, hows your sense of well being? I like your modest approach..
It was working well but I decided to get a little greedy and bump up. To be honest I still felt good on my trt but if gyms had been open I'm sure my recovery would have suffered.
This whole crap with closed gyms is beyond pissing me off.. I'm almost getting used to not lifting, and that has never been in my blood. I always been smashing sessions since I was in my early 20's. This is like some twilight zone crap..
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Re: PSL Log

Post by HFO3 »

You have one of the longest-running logs on the boards I've ever seen. It's been several months but the last major thing I remember reading you had an injury just before a show. Have you healed up?
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