Let's bench 4 plates

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Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Those of you that know me know how I'm 58 (59 soon) and the past 3 years have hit 170kg/374lbs for a single. Wayyyy back in the day (2010??) I hit my all time best of 190kg/418lbs. The older you get the harder it's supposed to be to hit these big numbers. Each of the past 3 have been on AAS (Dbol or Var). Recently using nothing but EuroPharmacies MK677 dosed at 20mg a day I've hit 167.5kg/368.5lbs for 3 x 1 reps

Well hot damn. So I've decided to run a little dbol (30mg a day) for 4-6 weeks. Just dosed enough and long enough to put 4 plates a side back up - 180kg/396lbs

I'll log just that part of my training as well as any changes

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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Looking forward to tomorrow. Plan is minimum 170kg x 2-3 x 1 reps
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Phill »

so much stuff, I put on 125 kg. I die doing a single rep.

let us know how it goes
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Matt88 »

How did today go Mobster?

Following along with great interest :)
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Kicked ass @ Powerhouse
Close Grip Bench Press
Warm up as always (last year or so) with 40+ reps on a broomstick.
20kg bar x 8 reps
60kg x 8 reps
80kg x 6 reps
120kg x 1 rep
then 170kg x 3 x 1 reps. The last rep was the best.
Best work in years

What I'll often find is that my first rep is the worst and the more singles I do the better they get. There's a part of sport science about 'learning', practicing and neural pathway reinforcement. Often I think I might have got another single or two but time wise I wasn't gonna spend more time on it.

Side note. I saw a post elsewhere about pre-workout food. I eat very little before hitting the gym when I train in the am. Like 2 wheatabix Friday. I do, however, eat plenty at night so that's also fueling the next days workout
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

One thing I'm doing is every other week Heavy Skull Crushers. I saw OG Craig Monson was able to rep like a mofo with 3 plates a side on an EZ bar. I'm aiming for 2 plates a side (89kg)
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Phill »

Mobster wrote: Sun May 07, 2023 4:41 pm One thing I'm doing is every other week Heavy Skull Crushers. I saw OG Craig Monson was able to rep like a mofo with 3 plates a side on an EZ bar. I'm aiming for 2 plates a side (89kg)
with the straight barbell my elbows hurt a lot, with ez I can do it quite well but I prefer other exercises to train the triceps
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

I can't even use a straight bar for curls now due to a lack of flexibility from age and lots of gym work
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

Let's see what happens tomorrow. At least 172.5kg x 2-3 x 1 reps. If I have a crazy good day I might go for it
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Re: Let's bench 4 plates

Post by Mobster »

@ Powerhouse. Decided to see what I could do today on Bench. I'll keep going for 2 more weeks at least. Still only using Mk677 x 20mg and 30mg DBol
Close Grip Bench Press
to 172.5-kilos x 2 x 1 reps, 175-kilos x 1, 177.5-kilos/390.5lbs x 1 and 180-kilos x F. Still the best I've done in 14 years. One of the other members DID do the 4 plates and between us we had the gym watching lol.

Lat Pulldowns
1/2 stack x 15 reps, 3/4 stack x 15 reps and stack x 12 reps

I always do some kinda back work to put blood into what I'll be pushing off
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